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This class is useful in case you need to fire up another APL session from within Dyalog APL, for example for test cases, or a fully automated "Test & Make" procedure.

The class is designed to run on all major platforms: Windows, Linux and Mac-OS. However, it was tested only on Windows and Linux.

By default the same version of Dyalog APL is instanciated APLProcess is running in. This can be changed by creating a parameter space, making the necessary adjustments and then pass this space as an argument to the constructor.

Alternatively you can pass a simple text vector to the constructor. This can be used to specify a workspace name and parameters like MAXWS and the likes. However, you cannot specify "session_file" this way.

Note that by default the instance does not have a session file (DSE).

Scope and limitations

APLProcess' main purpose is to start APL session for testing etc. It is therefore limited in scope; for example, you cannot start an APL process on a different machine.