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Astronomania Ruby on Rails API

API Documentation

Postman Public Docs

Astronomy Data

NASA Public APIs

  • Currently all data comes from NASA Open APIs. Daily background jobs are run populate the data base with data.



This app is dockerized soley for development environment normalization. It's not required to do development, it's just here for convenience.

  • docker-compose build - build the containerized app
  • docker-compose up - start the app on localhost:3000

Docker Compose

Prefix commands with docker-compose run app to run them agaist the application container. For example:

  • docker-compose run --rm web rails console - runs the rails console
  • docker-compose run --rm web bash - runs the shell


  • docker-compose run --rm web rspec - run rpsec tests. Alternatively, open a bash prompt (see above) and run rspec.


  • docker-compose run --rm web rake db:setup - Set up and seed database.
  • NOTE: the host value must be set to postgres to work with docker
  • docker-compose run --rm web rake sample_data:add - to add all sample data to the database. Sample data is also split into groups, so if you just want users you can run rake sample_data:add_users. See lib/tasks/sample/add_sample_data.rake for all available sample_data tasks.

Debugging with Pry and Docker

  • docker attach astronomania-api_web_1 - attach to container stdin/out using the id from the above step.
  • crtl p ctrl q to exit debugging without stopping the container.



  • Deployments to staging are automaticly made from the master branch.
  • Deployment to production and performed via Heroku pipeline promotion mechanism.

AWS Lambda, AWS CloudWatch, and Background Jobs

  • Background job processing is handled via sidekiq
  • Jobs are started by sending POST request to /admin/jobs with the job_type in the payload. These requests must be authenticated by an Admin user.
  • Jobs are scheduled using AWS CloudWatch events and AWS Lambda. Lambda functions are kept in /aws_lambda_functions.

Client App Repos


Astronomania Ruby on Rails API






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