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Mike Lewis edited this page Aug 20, 2017 · 9 revisions

The Epoch Programming Language

Welcome to the home of Epoch, an opinionated programming language designed to balance speed, control, and productivity.

Epoch places a strong emphasis on certain ways of thinking about programming, at both large and small scales. The decisions behind the language will undoubtedly not please everyone - but if you're a like-minded programmer, we hope Epoch scratches your itch as well as it has scratched our own.

What It Looks Like

See the Example Epoch Snippets page for a showcase of small Epoch programs doing routine things.

Full Description and Project Status

The Project README contains a more complete description of the language and a summary of where things stand. Additionally, the Project Roadmap details the current state of plans for the language.

Experimental Releases

Please see the Experimental Startup Guide for information on experimental releases.

Knowledge Dumps

These are assorted articles written to capture bits of information and detail about how Epoch is implemented, as well as some supplemental data on systems that Epoch closely interacts with.