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Link Partitioning Around Medoids (lpam) – Tool for Overlapping Communities Detection in Networks

What it is?

This and java implementation of the method for finding overlapping communities in network. Below you can find an example of method output for "School friendship" dataset.

school friendship

Project Structure

  • ./Scripts – directory for all Jupyter notebook that were used for computation experimenst
  • ./final_pictures – contains all pictures and gephi files.
  • ./lpam – source code of lpam method
  • ./datasets – contains realworld datasets and sysntetic datasets
  • ./related_methids –
  • ./literature – papers about overllaping communities detection methods in networks


In order to repoduce all computation experiments you should compile all method in the related_methods directory and tool for measuring ONMI in the directory Overlapping-NMI. Just go to corresponding folder and type "cmake".

cd Overlapping-NMI

To find exact solution for k-medois the installation of lp_solver is required. ...TODO


  • Leonidas Pitsoulis ( idea of overlapping communities detection based on the link partitoing with the help of non-overlapping communities detection methods based on the partitioning around medoids
  • Marat Shamshetdinov ( Implementation of the exact model for P-Median prolem for lp_solver and cplex solvers.
  • Nikit Putehin: implementation of amplified commute distance and heuristics method for findg k-medoids (Clarance and k-meanns heuristics)
  • Alexander Ponomarenko ( Basic implementation of link partitionig algorithm on java, calculating commute distance, jupyter notebooks and collecting everything together

More Output Examples

Karate Club

Karate Club

American Football Club

American Fooball Club


Overlapping Communities Detection in Network






No releases published
