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Start your development with a modern Design System for Bootstrap, React and Reactstrap. React Argon System is open source, and it features many components that can help you create amazing websites. The product comes with a simple JWT authentication flow: login/register/logout.

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🚀 Built with React App Generator

  • ✅ Innovative Argon Design System - Crafted by Creative-Tim
  • ✅ React, Redux, Redux-persist
  • ✅ Full-stack ready using Node JS API Server (open-source project)
    • Features: Typescript / SQLite / TypeORM / Joy (validation) / Passport library - passport-jwt strategy.

React Argon Design - Open-Source Fullstack starter crafted by Creative-Tim and AppSeed.


Compatibility matrix using Ubuntu 18.04 LTS as reference.


✨ How to use it

To use the product Node JS (>= 14.x) is required and GIT to clone/download the project from the public repository.

👉 Step #1 - Clone the project

$ git clone
$ cd react-argon-design

👉 Step #2 - Install dependencies via NPM or yarn

$ npm i
// OR
$ yarn

👉 Step 3 - Edit the .env using the template .env.sample.


👉 Step #4 - Start in development mode

$ npm run start 
// OR
$ yarn start

✨ Configure the backend server

The product comes with a usable JWT Authentication flow that provides only the basic requests: login/logout/register.

👉 API Server URL - src/config/constant.js

const config = {
    API_SERVER: 'http://localhost:5000/api/'  // <-- The magic line

👉 API Server Descriptor - POSTMAN Collection

The API Server signature is provided by the Unified API Definition

  • API POSTMAN Collection - can be used to mock (simulate) the backend server or code a new one in your preferred framework.

✨ Node JS API Server

The product is also open-source and is already configured to work with Berry Dashboard Template - product features:

  • Typescript / Node js / Express server
  • JWT authentication (passport-jwt strategy)
  • Persistence: SQLite


Node JS API - Open-source API server built on top of Express Nodejs Framework.

Compile the API Server

👉 Step #1 - Clone the project

$ git clone
$ cd api-server-nodejs

👉 Step #2 - Install dependencies via NPM or Yarn

$ npm i
// OR
$ yarn

👉 Step #3 - Run the SQLite migration via TypeORM

$ yarn typeorm migration:run

👉 Step #4 - Start the API server (development mode)

$ npm dev
// OR
$ yarn dev

The API server will start using the PORT specified in .env file (default 5000).

For more components, pages and priority on support, feel free to take a look at this amazing starter:

Argon Design React PRO is built with over 100 frontend individual elements, like buttons, inputs, navbars, alerts or cards, giving you the freedom of choosing and combining. The product comes with a simple JWT authentication flow: login/register/logout.

  • 👉 React Argon Design PRO - Product Page
    • Enhanced UI - more pages and components
    • Priority on support

React Argon Design PRO - Premium Fullstack starter crafted by Creative-Tim and AppSeed.

React Argon Design - Provided by AppSeed.