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Example React Docker

This is a hello world app that is written in Javascript using React framework, packaged using Docker.

✨ Quick Start in Docker

@Todo - the minimal set up to start the project. Something like:

$ git clone repo
$ docker-compose up --build

At this point, the app runs at localhost:3000

Generating React Apps

React uses Node.js to transpile the source code into Javascript code that can run in client's web browser. Make sure to have Node.js installed and its package manager, npm.

Installing Node.js

Installing Nvm

Refer to the Nvm documentation for how to install Nvm.

Installing Node.js

It's a good practice to install the LTS version of Node.js.

nvm install --lts

Generating a React project

npx create-react-app project-name

Code-base structure

project-name/           # The project's root directory
├───public/             # Static files directory
├───src/                # The project's source directory
│   ├───App.css         # The main application's CSS file
│   ├───App.js          # The main application
│   └───App.test.js     # The main application's test file
├───package-lock.json   # Dependency lock file
└───package.json        # Dependency file


This is packaged by using the Node.js container image as a base, copying the source code and installs necessary dependencies of this app, and transpile the source code into static files that can be deployed into any webservers. After that the build is transferred into an Nginx container image.


This project doesn't have a specific modes to run.

docker-compose up --build


Docker images can be customized using environment variables or customized during build time using build arguments.

Environment Variables

No environment variables available.

Build Arguments

Key Description
NODE_VERSION The version of Node.js that will be used for building this image.


Hello Docker logs