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403 lines (328 loc) · 12.1 KB

Bonus Phase: Make the login and signup buttons nested in the dropdown menu

Instead of having navigation buttons to open the login and signup form modals, you may want to trigger the opening of the login and signup form modals from options in the profile dropdown menu.

You will be adding the triggers for opening the modals in the ProfileButton component, which renders the user session information and the dropdown menu, instead of the Navigation component.


Reminder: the Navigation component lives in the frontend/src/components/Navigation/index.js file.

First, you need the application to render the profile button and dropdown menu regardless of if the user is logged in or not. Currently, this logic lies in the Navigation component. Refactor the Navigation component to render the ProfileButton component regardless of if there is a session user or not. Also, remove the OpenModalButtons as you will be adding the triggers for opening the modals in the ProfileButton component instead.

Here's an example for how the Navigation component should look like now:

// frontend/src/components/Navigation/index.js
import React from 'react';
import { NavLink } from 'react-router-dom';
import { useSelector } from 'react-redux';
import ProfileButton from './ProfileButton';
import './Navigation.css';

function Navigation({ isLoaded }){
  const sessionUser = useSelector(state => state.session.user);

  return (
        <NavLink exact to="/">Home</NavLink>
      {isLoaded && (
          <ProfileButton user={sessionUser} />

export default Navigation;


Reminder: the ProfileButton component lives in the frontend/src/components/Navigation/ProfileButton.js file.

Now, update the ProfileButton component to render a different list of dropdown menus depending on whether there is a session user or not. If there is a session user, show the same user session information and the logout button. However, if there is no session user, show two menu options:

  • OpenModalButton that renders a button text of "Log In" and opens up the LoginFormModal when clicked
  • another OpenModalButton that renders a button text of "Sign Up" and opens up the SignupFormModal when clicked

Here's an example for how the ProfileButton component should look like now:

// frontend/src/components/Navigation/ProfileButton.js
import React, { useState, useEffect, useRef } from "react";
import { useDispatch } from 'react-redux';
import * as sessionActions from '../../store/session';
import OpenModalButton from '../OpenModalButton';
import LoginFormModal from '../LoginFormModal';
import SignupFormModal from '../SignupFormModal';

function ProfileButton({ user }) {
  const dispatch = useDispatch();
  const [showMenu, setShowMenu] = useState(false);
  const ulRef = useRef();

  const openMenu = () => {
    if (showMenu) return;

  useEffect(() => {
    if (!showMenu) return;

    const closeMenu = (e) => {
      if (!ulRef.current.contains( {

    document.addEventListener('click', closeMenu);

    return () => document.removeEventListener("click", closeMenu);
  }, [showMenu]);

  const logout = (e) => {

  const ulClassName = "profile-dropdown" + (showMenu ? "" : " hidden");

  return (
      <button onClick={openMenu}>
        <i className="fas fa-user-circle" />
      <ul className={ulClassName} ref={ulRef}>
        {user ? (
            <li>{user.firstName} {user.lastName}</li>
              <button onClick={logout}>Log Out</button>
        ) : (
                buttonText="Log In"
                modalComponent={<LoginFormModal />}
                buttonText="Sign Up"
                modalComponent={<SignupFormModal />}

export default ProfileButton;

Confirm that your application is still working and rendering the profile button and dropdown menu regardless of if there is a user signed in or not. Make sure both the login and signup form modals still work as intended when triggered by a click in the dropdown menu.

Commit, commit, commit!

OPTIONAL: Close dropdown menu when login or signup modals open and on logout

You may have noticed that now, when you click the "Log In" or "Sign Up" button in the dropdown menu, the dropdown menu doesn't close. Nor does it close when you click "Logout". This may be a desired feature for some, but if you do want it to close when these buttons are clicked, then you'll need to do one small thing.

Remember, the dropdown menu can be closed when the showMenu component state variable in the ProfileButton component is set to false. So you will want to close the dropdown when the "Log In" and "Sign Up" buttons are clicked.

Remember that the onButtonClick prop on the OpenModalButton component is an optional callback function that will be called when the button to trigger the modal opening is clicked.

Refactor the ProfileButton component by passing in an onButtonClick prop into both OpenModalButton components as a callback function that will close the dropdown menu when invoked. Then for logout, you can use the same callback function to close the dropdown menu after the logout dispatch.

Here's an example for how the ProfileButton component should look like now:

// frontend/src/components/Navigation/ProfileButton.js
import React, { useState, useEffect, useRef } from "react";
import { useDispatch } from 'react-redux';
import * as sessionActions from '../../store/session';
import OpenModalButton from '../OpenModalButton';
import LoginFormModal from '../LoginFormModal';
import SignupFormModal from '../SignupFormModal';

function ProfileButton({ user }) {
  const dispatch = useDispatch();
  const [showMenu, setShowMenu] = useState(false);
  const ulRef = useRef();

  const openMenu = () => {
    if (showMenu) return;

  useEffect(() => {
    if (!showMenu) return;

    const closeMenu = (e) => {
      if (!ulRef.current.contains( {

    document.addEventListener('click', closeMenu);

    return () => document.removeEventListener("click", closeMenu);
  }, [showMenu]);

  const closeMenu = () => setShowMenu(false);

  const logout = (e) => {

  const ulClassName = "profile-dropdown" + (showMenu ? "" : " hidden");

  return (
      <button onClick={openMenu}>
        <i className="fas fa-user-circle" />
      <ul className={ulClassName} ref={ulRef}>
        {user ? (
            <li>{user.firstName} {user.lastName}</li>
              <button onClick={logout}>Log Out</button>
        ) : (
                buttonText="Log In"
                modalComponent={<LoginFormModal />}
                buttonText="Sign Up"
                modalComponent={<SignupFormModal />}

export default ProfileButton;

Confirm that your application and that the profile dropdown menu closes when the "Log In", "Sign Up", and "Logout" buttons are clicked in the dropdown menu.

OPTIONAL: OpenModalMenuItem

Having the "Log In" and "Sign Up" triggers rendered as buttons in the dropdown menu may be a desired feature for some, but if you want it to look like any other dropdown menu list item, then you can create another generic component much like the OpenModalButton component that will be an li element instead of a button element which triggers the modals to open.

Inside of the frontend/src/components/Navigation folder, create a file called OpenModalMenuItem.js. Inside of that file, create and export as default a functional component called OpenModalMenuItem.

The OpenModalMenuItem component code should look exactly like the OpenModalButton component code except:

  • change the buttonText prop to itemText
  • change the onButtonClick prop to onItemClick

Here's an example for how the OpenModalMenuItem component should look like:

// frontend/src/components/Navigation/OpenModalMenuItem.js
import React from 'react';
import { useModal } from '../../context/Modal';

function OpenModalMenuItem({
  modalComponent, // component to render inside the modal
  itemText, // text of the menu item that opens the modal
  onItemClick, // optional: callback function that will be called once the menu item that opens the modal is clicked
  onModalClose // optional: callback function that will be called once the modal is closed
}) {
  const { setModalContent, setOnModalClose } = useModal();

  const onClick = () => {
    if (onModalClose) setOnModalClose(onModalClose);
    if (onItemClick) onItemClick();

  return (
    <li onClick={onClick}>{itemText}</li>

export default OpenModalMenuItem;

Update the ProfileButton prop to use the OpenModalMenuItem instead of the OpenModalButton component for triggering the opening of the LoginFormModal and SignupFormModal.

Here's an example for how the ProfileButton component should look like now:

import React, { useState, useEffect, useRef } from "react";
import { useDispatch } from 'react-redux';
import * as sessionActions from '../../store/session';
import OpenModalMenuItem from './OpenModalMenuItem';
import LoginFormModal from '../LoginFormModal';
import SignupFormModal from '../SignupFormModal';

function ProfileButton({ user }) {
  const dispatch = useDispatch();
  const [showMenu, setShowMenu] = useState(false);
  const ulRef = useRef();

  const openMenu = () => {
    if (showMenu) return;

  useEffect(() => {
    if (!showMenu) return;

    const closeMenu = (e) => {
      if (!ulRef.current.contains( {

    document.addEventListener('click', closeMenu);

    return () => document.removeEventListener("click", closeMenu);
  }, [showMenu]);

  const closeMenu = () => setShowMenu(false);

  const logout = (e) => {

  const ulClassName = "profile-dropdown" + (showMenu ? "" : " hidden");

  return (
      <button onClick={openMenu}>
        <i className="fas fa-user-circle" />
      <ul className={ulClassName} ref={ulRef}>
        {user ? (
            <li>{user.firstName} {user.lastName}</li>
              <button onClick={logout}>Log Out</button>
        ) : (
              itemText="Log In"
              modalComponent={<LoginFormModal />}
              itemText="Sign Up"
              modalComponent={<SignupFormModal />}

export default ProfileButton;

Make sure to test your code! Head to the home page, http://localhost:3000, and make sure you are logged out. Click the "Log In" and "Sign Up" menu items and make sure the modals pop up and function as before.

Always make sure to commit your code frequently!