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Swift library for parsing a Markdown-like text format.


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SwiftPM compatible license language Swift 5.1 platform iOS macOS tvOS

Markin is a Swift library for parsing a Markdown-like text format.

The library is small, supports Swift Package Manager, and does not have any third party dependencies.

The parser generates a tree of elements. The tree is Codable compliant.

The tree can also be transformed back to Markin format. This means that Markin documents can be parsed, manipulated programmatically by modifying/removing/replacing/adding tree elements, and written back to file.

The library has HTML rendering built-in, but external rendering of the element tree is entirely feasible.


Markin is available under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file in the repository for details.


Adding Markin as a Dependency

Add the Markin package as a dependency in the Package.swift file of your Swift Package Manager package. The example below specifies a dependency to the latest version of the Markin package on the master branch. You probably want to use a version tag from a release instead.

.package(url: "", .branch("master"))


Simply instantiate a parser and call the parse() method with a string in Markin format as a parameter. The parse() method returns a DocumentElement object, which is the root object of the element tree.

let exampleMarkin = """
# This is a Header

This is a paragraph.

do {
    let parser = MarkinParser()
    let document = try parser.parse(exampleMarkin)
} catch {

Rendering HTML from Element Tree

let document = try parser.parse(exampleMarkin)
let html = document.formatAsHTML()

Back to Markin from Element Tree

let document = try parser.parse(exampleMarkin)
let markin = document.formatAsMarkin()

Element Tree to JSON

let document = try parser.parse(exampleMarkin)
let jsonData = try JSONEncoder().encode(document)

JSON to Element Tree

let document = try JSONDecoder().decode(DocumentElement.self, from: jsonData)

The Markin Format

The format is based on Markdown, but I have plans to extend it. The core syntax will stay the same, however.


Headers are available in 6 hierarchical levels:

# This is the largest header
## This is the second largest header
### This is the third largest header
#### This is the fourth largest header
##### This is the fifth largest header
####### This is the sixth largest header.

Table of Contents

A place holder for where the table of contents should be rendered is written like this on its own separate line:


Text Paragraphs

A text paragraph consists of consecutive lines of text, terminated by a blank line.

This is the first sentence of the paragraph. This is the second sentence.
This is the third sentence, also in the paragraph.

This is a second paragraph.

Block Quotes

A block quote is formatted as text paragraphs, but each line is prefixed with a > in the following manner:

> This is the first line of the block quote.
> This is the second line of the block quote.
> This is the first line of the second paragraph
> of the block quote.


Unordered list:

- First list entry
- Second list entry
    - First nested list entry
    - Second nested list entry
- Third list entry

Ordered lists:

1. First list entry
1. Second list entry
    1. First nested list entry
    1. Second nested list entry
1. Third list entry

Horizontal Rule

A horizontal divider line is written as three dashes on a separate line:


Code Blocks

Code can be written in code blocks. The language can be specified after the opening ``` sequence.

let a = 7

Bold Text

Bold text is achieved by using the marker * as follows:

The word *bold* is bold in this sentence.

Currently, bold and italic text can't be nested.

Italic Text

Italic text is achieved by using the marker _ as follows:

The word _italic_ is in italics in this sentence.

Currently, bold and italic text can't be nested.

Inline Code

Code can be written inline using single backticks ` like this:

This is text that has `inline code` in it.


Links can be written on the form [caption](url) like this:

This is text that has a [link]( in it.


Images can be written on the form ![caption](url) like this:

This is text that has an image ![with alt text](mypicture.jpg) in it.

Inheritance Tree of Elements

  • MarkinElement
    • DocumentElement
    • BlockElement
      • BlockQuoteElement
      • CodeBlockElement
      • HeaderElement
      • HorizontalRuleElement
      • ListElement
      • ParagraphElement
      • TableOfContentsElement
    • InlineElement
      • BoldElement
      • CodeElement
      • ImageElement
      • ItalicElement
      • LinkElement
      • TextElement

Experimental SwiftUI Renderer

You can try the experimental SwiftUI renderer by adding a MarkinView to your view.

struct ContentView: View {
    let document: DocumentElement
    var body: some View {
        MarkinView(document: document)