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Repository files navigation View API Arrow Connector


$ appc install connector/

In your Arrow configuration, ensure you have the following:

connectors: {
	'': {
		generateModelsFromSchema: true


Two models will be auto-generated when you install this connector: and

Programmatic Usage

var model = Arrow.getModel('');

// Creating a document via URL
	url: ''
}, function(err, instance) {


// Creating a document via file
	file: fs.createReadStream(__dirname + '/files/file.pdf')
}, function(err, instance) {

// Retrieve all documents
model.findAll(function(err, data) {

// Retrieve document
model.findOne('DOCUMENT_ID_HERE', function(err, data) {

// Update a document
model.findOne('DOCUMENT_ID_HERE', function(err, instance) {
	instance.set('name', 'Test Document');, savedRecord) {});

// Create a view session
var sessionModel = Arrow.getModel('');

}, function(err, instance) {

// etc.

Creating a model

If you are not extending off the two pre-build models (mentioned above), you'll need to provide some metadata in your model to ensure the connector knows which endpoints to point to. For example, if you want a custom model to point to the documents endpoint of the Box View API:

var Arrow = require('arrow');

var Model = Arrow.createModel('myCustomModel', {
	fields: {
		// your fields here
	connector: '',
	metadata: {
		'': {
			endpoint: 'documents'

module.exports = Model;

Likewise set the endpoint to "sessions", if you want it to point to that endpoint.


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You can digitally sign the CLA online. Please indicate your email address in your first pull request so that we can make sure that will locate your CLA. Once you've submitted it, you no longer need to send one for subsequent submissions.

Legal Stuff

This software is licensed under the Apache 2 Public License. However, usage of the software to access the Appcelerator Platform is governed by the Appcelerator Enterprise Software License Agreement. Copyright (c) 2014-2017 by Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Appcelerator is a registered trademark of Appcelerator, Inc. Arrow and associated marks are trademarks of Appcelerator. All other marks are intellectual property of their respective owners. Please see the LEGAL information about using our trademarks, privacy policy, terms of usage and other legal information at