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Appcues Ionic Example App

This is a simple Android and iOS app built with Ionic that integrates with Appcues Capacitor plugin.

🚀 Setup

cd ..
npm install
npm run build

cd ./example
npm install



Appcues calls are printed with console.log.

ionic serve


Page views are tracked and a button can display an Experience.

npm run build
npx cap sync

open ./ios/App/App.xcworkspace 


Page views are tracked and a button can display an Experience.

npm run build
npx cap sync

open the android project subdirectory in Android Studio.

This example app requires you to fill in an Appcues Account ID and an Appcues Application ID in App.tsx. You can enter your own values found in Appcues Studio, or use the following test values:


✨ Functionality

The example app demonstrates the core functionality of the Appcues Capacitor plugin across 4 screens.

Sign In Screen

This screen is identified as Sign In for screen targeting.

Provide a User ID for use with Appcues.identify() or select an anonymous ID using Appcues.anonymous().

Events Screen

This screen is identified as Trigger Events for screen targeting.

Two buttons demonstrate Appcues.track() calls.

The navigation bar also includes a button to launch the in-app debugger with Appcues.debug().

Profile Screen

This screen is identified as Update Profile for screen targeting.

Textfields are included to update the profile attributes for the current user using Appcues.identify().

The navigation bar also includes a button to sign out and navigate back to the Sign In Screen along with calling Appcues.reset().

Group Screen

This screen is identified as Update Group for screen targeting.

A textfield is included to set the group for the current user using


Whenever modifying the plugin or the test app, please make sure to run npm run build && npx cap sync to reflect changes.