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A prototypical WCS implementation for SciDB.


This Java web application implements a prototypical web coverage service (1.0.0) for the array database management system SciDB. To serve many different output file formats, the WCS interfaces the existing GDAL driver for SciDB. The web application includes a single servlet at the endpoint


which takes HTTP Get parameters as specified in the WCS standard.

Key functionalities include:

  • GetCapabilities, DescribeCoverage, GetCoverage services according to OGC WCS 1.0.0 standard
  • GeoTIFF, JPEG, BMP, NetCDF output formats
  • Nearest neighbour, bilinear, and bicubic resampling
  • HTTP GET KVP protocol binding
  • Domain subsetting (rrimming or spatial range selection)
  • Range subsetting, i.e. selection of particular array attributes
  • Selection of temporal slices of spacetime arrays


This WCS connects to the SciDB coordinator instance over the network. It is not required, that it runs on the coordinator instance though this might be reasonable in practice. However, there are a few requirements:

  • SciDB must use scidb4geo to work with spatial reference
  • SciDB must be accassible over both, native SciDB networking (usually port 1239) as well as SciDB's HTTP web service Shim.
  • GDAL including scidb4gdal must be installed on the server that runs the WCS


After deployment, you will find a file WEB-INF/ which is used to configure the WCS. Selected cinfiguration parameters are described below. Further parameters e.g. for setting conctact details should be self-explanatory as you'll find them in the file.

Key Description Default
SCIDBWCS_DB_HOST The host name of SciDB localhost
SCIDBWCS_DB_PORT Native SciDB port (not HTTP) 1239
SCIDBWCS_DB_SHIMPORT Port used to connect to Shim over HTTP(S) 8083
SCIDBWCS_DB_USER SciDB username scidb
SCIDBWCS_DB_PW SciDB password scidb
SCIDBWCS_DB_SSL Use SSL or not true
SCIDBWCS_GDALPATH Path to GDAL executables, null if executables are in PATH /usr/local/bin/
WCS_PUBLIC_URL The public URL how to reach the WCS over the web http://localhost:8080/scidb-wcs/ows
... (see default file as an example) ...

Build Instructions

The following steps build a WAR file using Maven:

  1. Clone this project: git clone

  2. Download the SciDB JDBC driver and install it to your local Maven repository: mvn install:install-file -Dfile=lib/scidb4j.jar -DgroupId=org.scidb -DartifactId=scidb4j -Dversion=0.1 -Dpackaging=jar

  3. Build the WAR file by running mvn package at the project root directory


A prototypical WCS implementation for SciDB







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