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Appirio File Uploader

Using the repo in your app


  • Install the bower component:
> bower install --save ap-file-uploader
  • Include the main.js file in your app.
  • Require the ap-file-upload module in the parent app.
  • Place the ap-uploader directive where you want it to show up in your app.


The ap-uploader directive takes two parameters passed as attributes to the directive. They are both passed as two-way ("=") bindings:

status (required) - [string]: Gives the parent scope access to the status of the uploader. Useful for external validation (e.g. preventing form submission while uploads are in progress).

config (required) - [object]: Contains all the config information need to run and integrate the directive:

  • name (required) - [string]: A name for this uploader. Used internally for retrieval from the service. Must be unique for your app.
  • fileEndpoint (required) - [string]: This should be the endpoint to create/delete records after successful upload to S3. :name will be replaced with the actual filename at query time.
  • urlPresigner (required) - [string]: This is the URL to create/delete records after successful upload to S3. :name will be replaced with the actual filename at query time.
  • multiple - [true|false]: Should this instance of the uploader allow multiple files. If not, adding a file will prompt the user to replace. If the user confirms, the previous file will be deleted before the new one is uploaded.
  • queryUrl - [string]: If present, the uploader will use this URL to retrieve file meta-data and prepopulate the uploader.
  • saveParams - [object]: After uploading the file a call will be made to your fileEndpoint to create a record in your system. The saveParams is a hash of additional parameters you wish to include with this call.

Developing on the repo


> nvm use
> npm install

Using the example app

npm run dev will start a local Browsersync server.

Comitting changes

The bower component served by this repo only includes the dist folder, which is committed.