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Remove @noreturn attribute and introduce an empty Never type


We should remove the rarely-used @noreturn function type attribute and instead express functions that don't return in terms of a standard uninhabited type.

Swift-evolution threads:


Functions that never return, such as exit, fatalError, or dispatchMain, use the @noreturn attribute to communicate this fact to the compiler. This lets the compiler avoid generating incorrect control flow diagnostics for conditions such as "function does not provide a return value" after a function call that intentionally ends the program. It's relatively rare that users need to write new functions that don't return; however, @noreturn as currently designed generates complexity. As an orthogonal attribute of function types, its interaction must be specified with every other aspect of function types, including throws and non-void returns. Does @noreturn throws mean "cannot return normally, but can throw", or does it mean "cannot return at all?" Is @noreturn () -> Int allowed, and if so, does it behave differently from @noreturn () -> ()? Should it be possible for generic operations such as function composition to be parameterized by or overload on @noreturn, so that compose(exit, getExitCode) is itself @noreturn?

Swift already allows for the definition of uninhabited types. An enum type that has no cases has no valid values and cannot be constructed, a fact that many Swift users already exploit as a namespacing mechanism. A function declared to return an uninhabited type cannot return normally.

/// The type of expressions that can never happen.
public /*closed*/ enum Never { /*no values*/ }

func foo() -> Never {
  fatalError("no way out!")

The ability to express @noreturn thus exists in the language already and does not require an attribute. Once this concept is understood, answers to the other questions about @noreturn fall out naturally. () throws -> Never clearly cannot return normally but can still throw. It becomes impossible for a function to claim both to not return and have a return type. Since Never is a first-class type, it can propagate naturally through generic operators without requiring overloading or new generics features. The net result is a simpler, more consistent, and more expressive model for handling nonreturning functions.

Proposed solution

The @noreturn attribute is removed from the language. Where @noreturn is currently used to exempt nonterminating code paths from control flow requirements such as exiting a guard...else clause or return-ing from a non-Void function, that exemption is transferred to expressions of uninhabited type.

Detailed design

Language design

An uninhabited type is defined as a type that visibly has no values:

  • An enum is an uninhabited type if it is known to have no cases, or if all of its cases are known, all of them have associated values, and all of its associated value types are empty.

    Note that under the resilience model, an external public enum cannot be considered empty unless it is closed, since it must otherwise be assumed to have private or retroactively added cases.

  • A tuple, struct, or class is an uninhabited type if it has any stored properties of uninhabited type.

    Under the resilience model, this again means that only fragile external types can be reliably considered uninhabited. A resilient external struct or class's properties cannot be assumed to be stored.

  • Functions and metatypes are never uninhabited types.

If an expression of uninhabited type is evaluated, it is considered unreachable by control flow diagnostics:

func noReturn() -> Never {
  fatalError() // fatalError also returns Never, so no need to `return`

func pickPositiveNumber(below limit: Int) -> Int {
  guard limit >= 1 else {
    // No need to exit guarded scope after noReturn
  return rand(limit)

An ignored expression of uninhabited type should also not produce an "unused result" warning. Code that would run after an uninhabited expression should raise "will not be executed" warnings.

Standard library

The standard library exports a new public closed enum type Never, defined to have no cases:

public /*closed*/ enum Never {
  /* this space intentionally left blank */

This type should be used by convention as the return type of functions that don't return. Existing @noreturn functions in the standard library and SDK, such as fatalError, are changed to return Never. The Clang importer also imports C and Objective-C functions declared with __attribute__((noreturn)) as returning Never in Swift.

SIL and runtime design

The noreturn attribute still needs to exist at the SIL level, since SIL lowered function types encode the exact calling convention of functions, including imported C functions. A function returning an uninhabited type at the semantic level may still need to be lowered to have a specific inhabited return type for ABI purposes.

There is currently a hole in our model. An uninhabited type is treated like a zero-sized type by type layout, and is loaded and stored like one, so a value of uninhabited type can be summoned by loading from a pointer:

func neverSayNever() -> Never {
  return UnsafeMutablePointer.alloc(1).memory

This can already be argued to be undefined behavior since the allocation is not (and cannot be) initialize-d first, but it would nonetheless be safer to make a load or store of an uninhabited type into a trap operation, both statically in IRGen (perhaps with a SIL diagnostic pass to warn when we statically see uninhabited loads or stores) and at runtime by giving uninhabited types a value witness table whose operations trap.

Impact on existing code

The number of @noreturn functions in the wild is fairly small, and all of them I can find return Void. It should be trivial to migrate existing @noreturn functions to use -> Never.

Alternatives considered

Naming Never

The best name for the standard library uninhabited type was a point of contention. Many of the names suggested by type theory literature or experience in functional programming circles are wanting:

  • Void might have been mathematically appropriate, but alas has already been heavily confused with "unit" in C-derived circles.
  • Names like Nothing, Nil, etc. have the potential to be confused with the nil value of Optional, or with returning Void.
  • Type theory jargon like Bottom wouldn't be immediately understood by many users.

The first revision of this proposal suggested NoReturn, but in discussion, the alternative name Never was suggested, which was strongly preferred by most participants. Never properly implies the temporal aspect--this function returns never --and also generalizes well to other potential applications for an uninhabited type. For instance, if we gained the ability to support typed throws, then () throws<Never> -> Void would also clearly communicate a function that never throws.

Instead of one standard type, it might be also useful for documentation purposes to have multiple types to indicate how a type doesn't return, e.g.:

enum Exit {} /// Exit process normally
func exit(_ code: Int) -> Exit

enum Abort {} /// Exit process abnormally
func fatalError(_ message: String) -> Abort

enum InfiniteLoop {} /// Takes over control of the process
func dispatchMain() -> InfiniteLoop

This proposal chooses not to go in this direction.

Never as a universal "bottom" subtype

An uninhabited type can be seen as a subtype of any other type--if evaluating an expression never produces a value, it doesn't matter what the type of that expression is. If this were supported by the compiler, it would enable some potentially useful things, for instance using a nonreturning function directly as a parameter to a higher-order function that expects a result (array.filter(fatalError)) or allowing a subclass to override a method and covariantly return Never. This can be considered as a separate proposal. Moving from @noreturn to -> Never is not a regression here, since the compiler does not allow an arbitrary conversion from @noreturn (T...) -> U to (T...) -> V today. The most important use case, a nonreturning function in void context, will still work by the existing (T...) -> U to (T...) -> Void subtyping rule.