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Package Manager Mixed Language Target Support


This is a proposal for adding package manager support for targets containing both Swift and C based language sources (henceforth, referred to as mixed language sources). Currently, a target’s source can be either Swift or a C based language (SE-0038), but not both.

Swift-evolution thread: Discussion thread topic for that proposal


This proposal enables Swift Package Manager support for multi-language targets.

Packages may need to contain mixed language sources for both legacy or technical reasons. For developers building or maintaining packages with mixed languages (e.g. Swift and Objective-C), there are two workarounds for doing so with Swift Package Manager, but they have drawbacks that degrade the developer experience, and sometimes are not even an option:

  • Distribute binary frameworks via binary targets. Drawbacks include that the package will be less portable as it can only support platforms that the binaries support, binary dependencies are only available on Apple platforms, customers cannot view or easily debug the source in their project workspace, and tooling is required to generate the binaries for release.
  • Separate a target’s implementation into sub-targets based on language type, adding dependencies where necessary. For example, a target Foo may have Swift-only sources that can call into an underlying target FooObjc that contains Clang-only sources. Drawbacks include needing to depend on the public API surfaces between the targets, increasing the complexity of the package’s manifest and organization for both maintainers and clients, and preventing package developers from incrementally migrating internal implementation from one language to another (e.g. Objective-C to Swift) since there is still a separation across targets based on language.

Package manager support for mixed language targets addresses both of the above drawbacks by enabling developers to mix sources of supported languages within a single target without complicating their package’s structure or developer experience.

Proposed solution

Package authors can create a mixed target by mixing language sources in their target's source directory. When mixing some languages, like C++, authors have the option of opting in to advanced interoperability features by configuring the target with an interoperability mode SwiftSetting.InteroperabilityMode.

When building a mixed language target, the package manager will build the public API into a single module for use by clients.

At a high level, the build process is split into two parts based on the language of the sources. The Swift sources are built by the Swift compiler and the C/Objective-C/C++ sources are built by the Clang compiler.

  1. The Swift compiler is made aware of the Clang part of the package when building the Swift sources into a swiftmodule.
  2. The Clang part of the package is built with knowledge of the interoperability Swift header. The contents of this header will vary depending on if/what language-specific interoperability mode is configured on the target. The interoperability header is modularized as part of the mixed target's public interface.

The following example defines a package containing mixed language sources.

├── Package.swift
├── Sources
│   └── MixedPackage
│       ├── Jedi.swift          ⎤-- Swift sources
│       ├── Lightsaber.swift    ⎦
│       ├── Sith.m              ⎤-- Implementations & internal headers
│       ├── SithRegistry.h      ⎟
│       ├── SithRegistry.m      ⎟
│       ├── droid_debug.c       ⎦
│       ├── hello_there.txt     ]-- Resources
│       └── include             ⎤-- Public headers
│           ├── MixedPackage.h  ⎟
│           ├── Sith.h          ⎟
│           └── droid_debug.h   ⎦
└── Tests
    └── MixedPackageTests
        ├── JediTests.swift          ]-- Swift tests
        ├── SithTests.m              ]-- Objective-C tests
        ├── ObjcTestConstants.h      ⎤-- Mixed language test utils
        ├── ObjcTestConstants.m      ⎟
        └── SwiftTestConstants.swift ⎦

The proposed solution would enable the above targets to do the following:

  1. Export their public API, if any, from across the mixed language sources.
  2. Use C/Objective-C/C++ compatible Swift API from target’s Swift sources within the target’s C/Objective-C/C++ sources.
  3. Use Swift compatible C/Objective-C/C++ API from target’s C/Objective-C/C++ sources within the target’s Swift sources.
  4. Access target resources from Swift and Objective-C contexts.


Initial support for targets containing mixed language sources will have the following limitations:

  1. The target must be either a library or test target. Support for other types of targets is deferred until the use cases become clear.
  2. If the target contains a custom module map, it cannot contain a submodule of the form $(ModuleName).Swift. This is because the package manager will synthesize an extended module map that includes a submodule that modularizes the generated Swift interop header.

Importing a mixed target

Mixed targets can be imported into a client target in several ways. The following examples will reference MixedPackage, a package containing mixed language target(s).

Importing within a Swift context

The public API of a mixed target, MixedPackage, can be imported into a Swift file via an import statement:

// MyClientTarget.swift

import MixedPackage

Testing targets can import the mixed target via @testable import MixedPackage. As expected, this will expose internal Swift types within the module. It will not expose any non-public C language types.

Importing within an C/Objective-C/C++ context

How a mixed target, MixedPackage, is imported into an C/Objective-C/C++ file will vary depending on the language it is being imported in.

When Clang modules are supported, clients can import the module. Textual imports are also an option.

For this example, consider MixedPackage being organized as such:

├── Package.swift
└── Sources
     ├── NewCar.swift
     └── include                  ]-- Public headers directory
        ├── OldCar.h
        └── MixedPackage-Swift.h  ]-- This header is generated
                                      during the build.

Like Clang targets, MixedPackage's public headers directory (include in the above example) is added a header search path to client targets. The following example demonstrates all the possible public headers that can be imported from MixedPackage.

// MyClientTarget.m

// If module imports are supported, the public API (including API in the
// generated Swift header) can be imported via a module import.
@import MixedPackage;
// Imports types defined in `OldCar.h`.
#import "OldCar.h"
// Imports Objective-C compatible Swift types defined in `MixedPackage`.
#import "MixedPackage-Swift.h"

Plugin Support

Package manager plugins should be able to process mixed language source targets. The following type will be added to the PackagePlugin module to represent a mixed language target in a plugin's context.

This API was created by joining together the properties of the existing SwiftSourceModuleTarget and ClangSourceModuleTarget types (source).

/// Represents a target consisting of a source code module compiled using both the Clang and Swift compiler.
public struct MixedSourceModuleTarget: SourceModuleTarget {
    /// Unique identifier for the target.
    public let id: ID

    /// The name of the target, as defined in the package manifest. This name
    /// is unique among the targets of the package in which it is defined.
    public let name: String

    /// The kind of module, describing whether it contains unit tests, contains
    /// the main entry point of an executable, or neither.
    public let kind: ModuleKind

    /// The absolute path of the target directory in the local file system.
    public let directory: Path

    /// Any other targets on which this target depends, in the same order as
    /// they are specified in the package manifest. Conditional dependencies
    /// that do not apply have already been filtered out.
    public let dependencies: [TargetDependency]

    /// The name of the module produced by the target (derived from the target
    /// name, though future SwiftPM versions may allow this to be customized).
    public let moduleName: String

    /// The source files that are associated with this target (any files that
    /// have been excluded in the manifest have already been filtered out).
    public let sourceFiles: FileList

    /// Any custom compilation conditions specified for the target's Swift sources.
    public let swiftCompilationConditions: [String]

    /// Any preprocessor definitions specified for the target's Clang sources.
    public let clangPreprocessorDefinitions: [String]

    /// Any custom header search paths specified for the Clang target.
    public let headerSearchPaths: [String]

    /// The directory containing public C headers, if applicable. This will
    /// only be set for targets that have a directory of a public headers.
    public let publicHeadersDirectory: Path?

    /// Any custom linked libraries required by the module, as specified in the
    /// package manifest.
    public let linkedLibraries: [String]

    /// Any custom linked frameworks required by the module, as specified in the
    /// package manifest.
    public let linkedFrameworks: [String]

Detailed design

Modeling a mixed language target

Up until this proposal, when a package was loading, each target was represented programmatically as either a SwiftTarget or ClangTarget. Which of these types to use was informed by the sources found in the target. For targets with mixed language sources, an error was thrown and surfaced to the client. During the build process, each of those types mapped to another type (SwiftTargetBuildDescription or ClangTargetBuildDescription) that described how the target should be built.

This proposal adds two new types, MixedTarget and MixedTargetDescription, that represent targets with mixed language sources during the package loading and building phases, respectively.

While an implementation detail, it’s worth noting that in this approach, a MixedTarget is a wrapper type around an underlying SwiftTarget and ClangTarget. Initializing a MixedTarget will internally initialize a SwiftTarget from the given Swift sources and a ClangTarget from the given Clang sources. This extends to the MixedTargetDescription type in that it wraps a SwiftTargetDescription and ClangTargetDescription.

Using this approach allows for greater code-reuse, and reduces the chance of introducing a regression from changing existing sub-target types like SwiftTarget and ClangTarget.

The role of the MixedTargetBuildDescription is to generate auxiliary artifacts needed for the build and pass specific build flags to the underlying SwiftTargetBuildDescription and ClangTargetBuildDescription.

The following diagram shows the relationship between the various types.

flowchart LR
    A>Swift sources] --> B[SwiftTarget] --> C[SwiftTargetBuildDescription]
    D>Clang sources] --> E[ClangTarget] --> F[ClangTargetBuildDescription]

    subgraph MixedTarget

    subgraph MixedTargetBuildDescription

    G>Mixed sources] --> MixedTarget --> MixedTargetBuildDescription

Building a mixed language target

The Swift part of the target is built before the Clang part. This is because the C language sources may require resolving a textual import of the generated interop header, and that header is emitted alongside the Swift module when the Swift part of the target is built. This relationship is enforced in that the generated interop header is listed as an input to the compilation commands for the target’s C language sources. This is specified in the llbuild manifest (debug.yaml in the package's .build directory).

Additional Swift build flags

The following flags are additionally used when compiling the Swift sub-target:

  1. -import-underlying-module This flag triggers a partial build of the underlying C language sources when building the Swift module. This critical flag enables the Swift sources to use C language types defined in the Clang part of the target.
  2. -I /path/to/modulemap_dir The above -import-underlying-module flag will look for a module map in the given header search path. The module map used here cannot modularize the generated interop header as will be created from building the Swift sub-target and therefore does not exist yet. If a custom module map is provided, the public headers directory will be used as that is where the custom module map is enforced to be located. It's also enforced that this module map does not expose an interop header. If a custom module map is not provided, the package manager will pass the target's build directory as that is where a module map will be synthesized. This module map will be un-extended, in that it does not modularize the generated interop header.
  3. If a custom module is NOT provided, the package manager will synthesize two module maps. One is extended in that it modualrizes the generated interop header. The other is un-extended in that it does not modularize the generated interop header. A VFS Overlay file is created to swap the extended one (named module.modulemap) for the unextended one (unextended-module.modulemap) for the build.
  4. -Xcc -I -Xcc $(TARGET_SRC_PATH) Adding the target's path allows for importing headers using paths relative to the root of the target. Because passing -import-underlying-module triggers a partial build of the Clang sources, this is needed for resolving possible header imports.
  5. -Xcc -I -Xcc $(TARGET_PUBLIC_HDRS) Adding the target's public header's path allows for importing headers using paths relative to the public header's directory. Because passing -import-underlying-module triggers a partial build of the Clang sources, this is needed for resolving possible header imports.
Additional Clang build flags

The following flags are additionally used when compiling the Clang sub-target:

  1. -I $(target’s path) Adding the target's path allows for importing headers using paths relative to the root of the target.
  2. -I /path/to/generated_swift_header_dir/ The generated Swift header may be needed when compiling the Clang sources.

Performing the build

To actually build a package, the package manager creates a llbuild manifest and passes it to the llbuild system. Adding support for mixed targets involved modifying LLBuildManifestBuilder.swift to convert a MixedTargetBuildDescription into llbuild build nodes. MixedTargetBuildDescription intentionally wraps and configures an underlying SwiftTargetBuildDescription and ClangTargetBuildDescription. This means that creating a llbuild build node for a mixed target is really just creating build nodes for the its SwiftTargetBuildDescription and ClangTargetBuildDescription, respectively.

Build artifacts for client targets

Module Maps

The client-facing module map’s purpose is to define the public API of the mixed language module. It has two parts, a primary module declaration and a secondary submodule declaration. The former of which exposes the public C language headers and the latter of which exposes the generated interop header.

There are two cases when creating the client-facing module map:

  • If a custom module map exists in the target, its contents are copied and extended to modularize the generated interop header. These contents are written to the build directory as extended-custom-module.modulemap. Since the public header directory and build directory are passed as import paths to the build invocations, a different name is needed for this module map as the -import-underlying-module should only be able to find one module.modulemap file from the given import paths.
  • Else, the module map’s contents will be generated via the same generation rules established in SE-0038 with an added step to generate the .Swift submodule. This file is called module.modulemap and lives in the build directory.

Clients will use an extended module map that includes the modularized interop header. Building the target will use unextended module map.

Note: It’s possible that the Clang part of the module exports no public API. This could be the case for a target whose public API surface is written in Swift but whose implementation is written in Objective-C. In this case, the primary module declaration will expose no headers.

Below is an example of a module map for a target that has an umbrella header in its public headers directory (include).

// extended-custom-module.modulemap

// This declaration is either copied from the custom module map or generated
// via the rules from SE-0038.
module MixedTarget {
    umbrella header "/Users/crusty/Developer/MixedTarget/Sources/MixedTarget/include/MixedTarget.h"
    export *
// This is added on by the package manager as part of this proposal.
module MixedTarget.Swift {
    header "MixedTarget-Swift.h"
    requires objc

An all-product-headers.yaml VFS overlay file will adjust the public headers directory to expose the interop header as a relative path, and, if a custom module map exists, swap it out for the extended one that modualrizes the interop header.

In either case, it will be passed alongside the module map as a compilation argument to clients:

-ivfsoverlay /Users/crusty/Developer/MixedTarget/.build/.../

Additional changes to the package manager

It is the goal for mixed language targets to work on all platforms supported by the package manager. One obstacle to that is that the package manager, at the time of this proposal, does not invoke the build system with the flag needed to emit the interoperability header (code). This limitation is outdated and will be removed as part of this proposal.

See the related discussion thread from the initial formal review.

Related change to the Swift compiler

When the Swift compiler creates the generated interop header (via -emit-objc-header), any Objective-C symbol referenced in the Swift API that cannot be forward declared (e.g. superclass, protocol, etc.) will attempt to be imported via an umbrella header. Since the compiler evaluates the target as a framework (as opposed to an app), the compiler assumes an umbrella header exists in a subdirectory (named after the module) within the public headers directory:

#import <$(ModuleName)/$(ModuleName).h>

The compiler assumes that the above path can be resolved relative to the public header directory. Instead of forcing package authors to structure their packages around that constraint, the Swift compiler's interop header generation logic will be ammended to do the following in such cases where the target does not have the public headers directory structure of an xcframework:

  • If an umbrella header that is modularized by the Clang module exists, the interop header emit a reference directly to that umbrella header instead.
  • Else, the interop header will import all textual includes from the Clang module map.

See the related discussion thread from the initial formal review.

Mixed language Test Targets

To complement library targets with mixed languages, mixed test targets are also supported as part of this proposal.

Using the example package from before, consider the following layout of the package's Tests directory.

├── ...
└── Tests
    └── MixedPackageTests
        ├── JediTests.swift     ]-- Swift tests
        ├── SithTests.m         ]-- Objective-C tests
        ├── ObjcTestConstants.h ⎤-- Mixed language test utils
        ├── ObjcTestConstants.m ⎟
        └── TestConstants.swift ⎦

The types defined in ObjcTestConstants.h are visible in SithTests.m (via importing the header).

The Objective-C compatible types defined in TestConstants.swift are visible in JediTests.swift (via importing the header).

This design should give package authors flexibility in designing test suites for their mixed targets.

Failure cases

There are several failure cases that may surface to end users:

  • Attempting to build a mixed target using a tools version that does not include this proposal’s implementation.
    target at '\(path)' contains mixed language source files; feature not supported
  • Attempting to build a mixed target that is neither a library target or test target.
    Target with mixed sources at '\(path)' is a \(type) target; targets
    with mixed language sources are only supported for library and test
  • Attempting to build a mixed target containing a custom module map that contains a $(MixedTargetName).Swift submodule.
    The target's module map may not contain a Swift submodule for the
    module \(target name).


This has no impact on security, safety, or privacy.

Impact on existing packages

This proposal will not affect the behavior of existing packages. In the proposed solution, the code path to build a mixed language package is separate from the existing code paths to build packages with Swift sources and C Language sources, respectively.

Additionally, this feature will be gated on a tools minor version update, so mixed language targets building on older toolchains that do not support this feature will continue to throw an error.

Future Directions

  • Enable package authors to expose non-public headers to their mixed target's Swift implemention.
  • Extend mixed language target support to currently unsupported types of targets (e.g. executables).
  • Extend this solution so that all targets are mixed language targets by default. This could simplify the implemention as language-specific types like ClangTarget, SwiftTarget, and MixedTarget could be consolidated into a single type. This approach was avoided in the initial implementation of this feature to reduce the risk of introducing a regression.