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Mishal Awadah committed Dec 10, 2015
0 parents commit db437d2
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Showing 35 changed files with 721 additions and 0 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
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37 changes: 37 additions & 0 deletions
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Swift Package Tests

Automated tests for validating the downloadable Swift packages behave correctly.


You are expected to check this repository out as a peer of "llvm" in the

Run the tests using:

./test -sv --param package-path=/path/to/downloadable-package .

where the path is the unarchived package root path.


Here is a list of tests in the repository:

| Test Name | Functionality |
| basic | check output of `swift --version` |
| example-package-dealer | build the example package-dealer package |
| repl | various REPL sanity checks, notably importing Darwin and Glibc |
| swift-build-self-host | Use swift build to build itself |
| swift-compiler | Compile a basic swift file |
| test-c-library-swiftpm | Build a package that links a 3rd party library |
| test-foundation-package | Build a package that imports Foundation |
| test-import-glibc | Compile a source file importing and using Glibc |
| test-multi-compile | Compile multiple source files into an executable |
| test-multi-compile-glibc | Compile multiple source files importing Glibc into an executable |
| test-static-lib | Compile multiple source files into a static library |
| test-xctest-package | Build a package that imports XCTest |

6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# Basic sanity check.
# RUN: %{swiftc} --version > %t.out
# RUN: %{FileCheck} --input-file %t.out %s
# CHECK: Swift version
19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions
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# Check that debugging can print variables.
# Make a sandbox dir.
# RUN: rm -rf %t.dir
# RUN: mkdir -p %t.dir/tool
# RUN: touch %t.dir/tool/Package.swift
# RUN: echo 'let foo = "bar"' > %t.dir/tool/main.swift
# RUN: echo 'print(foo)' >> %t.dir/tool/main.swift
# RUN: %{swift} build --chdir %t.dir/tool -v >

# RUN: echo 'breakpoint set -f main.swift -l 2' > %t.dir/lldb.script
# RUN: echo 'run' >> %t.dir/lldb.script
# RUN: echo 'print foo' >> %t.dir/lldb.script
# RUN: %{lldb} %t.dir/tool/.build/debug/tool --source %t.dir/lldb.script --batch &> %t.lldb.out
# RUN: %{FileCheck} --check-prefix CHECK-LLDB-OUTPUT --input-file %t.lldb.out %s
# CHECK-LLDB-OUTPUT: (lldb) print foo
# CHECK-LLDB-OUTPUT-NEXT: (String) $R0 = "bar"
45 changes: 45 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
# Test the open source example packages.
# REQUIRES: have-network
# Make a sandbox dir. If you want to experiment with this test without waiting
# for the clone, disable the first three lines here.
# RUN: rm -rf %t.dir
# RUN: mkdir -p %t.dir/
# RUN: git clone %t.dir/dealer

# RUN: rm -rf %t.dir/dealer/.build
# RUN: %{swift} build --chdir %t.dir/dealer >

# Check the build log.
# RUN: %{FileCheck} --check-prefix CHECK-BUILD-LOG --input-file %s
# CHECK-BUILD-LOG: Compiling Swift Module 'FisherYates'
# CHECK-BUILD-LOG: Compiling Swift Module 'Dealer'

# Verify that the build worked.
# RUN: test -x %t.dir/dealer/.build/debug/Dealer
# RUN: %t.dir/dealer/.build/debug/Dealer > %t.out
# RUN: %{FileCheck} --check-prefix CHECK-TOOL-OUTPUT --input-file %t.out %s
# We should get an example that is easier to test.
# CHECK-TOOL-OUTPUT: {{♡|♠|♢|♣}}{{[0-9JQKA]|10}}

# Verify that the 'git status' is clean after a build.
# RUN: cd %t.dir/dealer && git status > %t.out
# RUN: %{FileCheck} --check-prefix CHECK-GIT-STATUS --input-file %t.out %s
# CHECK-GIT-STATUS: nothing to commit, working directory clean

# Verify that another 'swift build' does nothing.
# RUN: %{swift} build --chdir %t.dir/dealer > %t.rebuild-log
# RUN: echo END-OF-INPUT >> %t.rebuild-log
# RUN: %{FileCheck} --check-prefix CHECK-BUILD-LOG --input-file %s
176 changes: 176 additions & 0 deletions lit.cfg
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@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
# -*- Python -*-

import platform
import os
import subprocess

import lit.formats

# Configuration file for the 'lit' test runner.

def which(command, paths = None):
"""which(command, [paths]) - Look up the given command in the paths string
(or the PATH environment variable, if unspecified)."""

if paths is None:
paths = os.environ.get('PATH','')

# Check for absolute match first.
if os.path.exists(command):
return command

# Would be nice if Python had a lib function for this.
if not paths:
paths = os.defpath

# Get suffixes to search.
pathext = os.environ.get('PATHEXT', '').split(os.pathsep)

# Search the paths...
for path in paths.split(os.pathsep):
for ext in pathext:
p = os.path.join(path, command + ext)
if os.path.exists(p):
return p

return None

# Retrieve expected values from

srcroot = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
srcroot = os.path.normpath(srcroot)

# Basic Configuration Parameters

# name: The name of this test suite. = 'swift-package-tests'

# testFormat: The test format to use to interpret tests.
config.test_format = lit.formats.ShTest(execute_external = False)

# suffixes: A list of file extensions to treat as test files.
# We override this in specific subdirectories to change what we test.
config.suffixes = [".txt", ".py"]

# excludes: A list of directories to exclude from the testsuite. The 'Inputs'
# subdirectories contain auxiliary inputs for various tests in their parent
# directories.
config.excludes = ['Inputs']

# test_source_root: The root path where tests are located.
config.test_source_root = os.path.join(srcroot)

# test_source_root: The root path where tests are executing.
config.test_exec_root = "/tmp/swift-package-tests"

# We don't make use of this yet.
# FIXME: This is pretty compiler specific and probably should just be ripped out
# of lit.
config.target_triple = None

# On Darwin, always push SDKROOT in the environment.
# FIXME: Eventually, when we use xcrun to launch the toolchain items, this
# should go away.
if platform.system() == "Darwin":
config.environment["SDKROOT"] = subprocess.check_output(
["xcrun", "--sdk", "macosx", "--show-sdk-path"]).strip()


# Use features like this in lit:
# # REQUIRES: platform=<platform>
# where <platform> is Linux or Darwin
# Add a platform feature.

# Check if 'pexpect' is available.
have_pexpect = False
import pexpect
have_pexpect = True
except ImportError as e:
if have_pexpect:
lit_config.note("'pexpect' module unavailable, skipping related tests")

# For tests that need access to the outside world, let them know if
# that's possible
if lit_config.params.get("have-network"):


# Get the package path.
package_path = lit_config.params.get("package-path")
if package_path is None:
lit_config.fatal("'--param package-path=PATH' is required")
package_path = os.path.abspath(package_path)
# if platform.system() == "Darwin":
# package_path = os.path.join(package_path, "Applications/")
lit_config.note("testing package: %r" % (package_path,))

# Find the path to FileCheck. We just pick any one out of the build directory.
swift_build_path = os.path.join(srcroot, "..", "build")
filecheck_path = lit_config.params.get("filecheck")
if filecheck_path is None:
for variant in os.listdir(swift_build_path):
variant_path = os.path.join(swift_build_path, variant)
for tree in os.listdir(variant_path):
if tree.startswith("llvm-"):
path = os.path.join(variant_path, tree, "bin", "FileCheck")
if os.path.exists(path):
filecheck_path = path
if filecheck_path is None:
lit_config.fatal("unable to locate FileCheck, '--param filecheck=PATH' is required")

# Use the default Swift src layout if swiftpm is not provided as a
# param
swiftpm_srcdir = lit_config.params.get("swiftpm-srcdir")
if swiftpm_srcdir is None:
swiftpm_srcdir = os.path.join(srcroot, "..", "swiftpm")
if os.path.exists(swiftpm_srcdir):
config.substitutions.append( ('%{swiftpm_srcdir}', swiftpm_srcdir) )

# Find the tools we need.
lit_config.note("testing using 'FileCheck': %r" % (filecheck_path,))

swift_path = os.path.join(package_path, "usr", "bin", "swift")
lit_config.note("testing using 'swift': %r" % (swift_path,))

swiftc_path = os.path.join(package_path, "usr", "bin", "swiftc")
lit_config.note("testing using 'swiftc': %r" % (swiftc_path,))

lldb_path = os.path.join(package_path, "usr", "bin", "lldb")
lit_config.note("testing using 'lldb': {}".format(lldb_path))

# Verify they exist.
if not os.path.exists(swift_path):
lit_config.fatal("swift does not exist!")
if not os.path.exists(swiftc_path):
lit_config.fatal("swiftc does not exist!")
if not os.path.exists(filecheck_path):
lit_config.fatal("filecheck does not exist!")
if not os.path.exists(lldb_path):
lit_config.fatal("lldb does not exist!")

# Define our supported substitutions.
config.substitutions.append( ('%{lldb}', lldb_path) )
config.substitutions.append( ('%{swift}', swift_path) )
config.substitutions.append( ('%{swiftc}', swiftc_path) )
config.substitutions.append( ('%{FileCheck}', filecheck_path) )


# Protected against unquoted use of substitutions.
for name in ('swift-build', 'FileCheck'):
config.substitutions.append((' {0} '.format(name),
' unquoted-command-name-{0} '.format(name)))
43 changes: 43 additions & 0 deletions repl/
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@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
# Tests that importing Darwin works on OS X
# REQUIRES: magic
# REQUIRES: platform=Darwin
# REQUIRES: have-pexpect
# RUN: rm -rf %t.dir
# RUN: mkdir %t.dir
# RUN: python %s %{swift} > %t.dir/output.txt
# RUN: %{FileCheck} --input-file %t.dir/output.txt %s

import pexpect, sys, time

swift = "swift"
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
swift = sys.argv[1]

def debug(p):
print 'before:'
print p.before
print '--'
print 'after:'
print p.after
print '--'
print p.match.groups()
print '--'

repl = pexpect.spawn(swift)

repl.expect('(.*)Welcome to Apple Swift version (.*)\r\n')
repl.sendline('print("hello, world")')

repl.expect('\r\nhello, world.*\r\n')
repl.sendline('import Foundation')

repl.sendline(":type lookup FILE")

print "OK"
59 changes: 59 additions & 0 deletions repl/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
# Tests that importing Glibc works on Linux
# REQUIRES: platform=Linux
# REQUIRES: have-pexpect
# RUN: rm -rf %t.dir
# RUN: mkdir %t.dir
# RUN: python %s %{swift} > %t.dir/output.txt
# RUN: %{FileCheck} --input-file %t.dir/output.txt %s

import pexpect, sys

swift = "swift"
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
swift = sys.argv[1]

repl = pexpect.spawn(swift)

repl.expect('(.*)Welcome to Swift version (.*)\r\n')
# print 'before (text up to pattern that was matched):'
# print repl.before
# print '--'
# print 'after (what was actually matched by pattern):'
# print repl.after
# print '--'
# print repl.match.groups()
# print '--'

# repl.expect("(.*)1>(.*)")
repl.sendline('print("hello, world")')

repl.expect('\r\nhello, world.*\r\n')
# print 'before:'
# print repl.before
# print '--'
# print 'after:'
# print repl.after
# print '--'
# print repl.match.groups()
# print '--'

# repl.expect("(.*)2>(.*)")
repl.sendline('import Glibc')

# repl.expect("(.*)3>(.*)")

repl.sendline(":type lookup FILE")
# print 'before:'
# print repl.before
# print '--'
# print 'after:'
# print repl.after
# print '--'
# print repl.match.groups()
# print '--'

print "OK"

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