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0 - new
0 - new
Not sure yet if task is valid / going to be worked on
1 - triaged
1 - triaged
Task makes sense, is well defined, and is ready to be worked on
2 - pick next
2 - pick next
If looking for work, pick this ticket. It is triaged and should be picked up soon
3 - in progress
3 - in progress
This task is being worked on; It may or may not yet have an associated PR
9 - maybe someday
9 - maybe someday
Ticket is valid but unlikely to be worked on soon; If you'd like to help it happen, contribute!
bug 🐞
bug 🐞
Bug which should be fixed as soon as possible
This issue or pull request already exists
failed 💥
failed 💥
Failed tickets are CI or benchmarking failures, should be investigated as soon as possible
good first issue
good first issue
Good first issue to pick up if you'd like to start out contributing
help wanted
help wanted
Ticket unlikely to be picked up by core team, contributions very welcome!
⚠️ needs-major-version-bump
⚠️ needs-major-version-bump
For PRs that when merged cause a bump of the major version, ie. x.0.0 -> (x+1).0.0
🔼 needs-minor-version-bump
🔼 needs-minor-version-bump
For PRs that when merged cause a bump of the minor version, ie. 1.x.0 -> 1.(x+1).0
For PRs that when merged do not need a bump in version number.
For PRs that when merged will only cause a bump of the patch version, ie. 1.0.x -> 1.0.(x+1)
Further information is requested
Improvements or additions to documentation
Something which is not a defect needs to be done.
This will not be fixed