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Merge pull request #24 from appliedblockchain/zkSNARKs
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Adding example zkSNARK proof validation.
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mirek committed Jul 6, 2018
2 parents b06da9e + 3e870c7 commit f61c268
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Showing 2 changed files with 280 additions and 0 deletions.
229 changes: 229 additions & 0 deletions contracts/Verifier.sol
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
pragma solidity ^0.4.14;
library Pairing {
struct G1Point {
uint X;
uint Y;
// Encoding of field elements is: X[0] * z + X[1]
struct G2Point {
uint[2] X;
uint[2] Y;
/// @return the generator of G1
function P1() pure internal returns (G1Point) {
return G1Point(1, 2);
/// @return the generator of G2
function P2() pure internal returns (G2Point) {
return G2Point(
/// @return the negation of p, i.e. p.addition(p.negate()) should be zero.
function negate(G1Point p) pure internal returns (G1Point) {
// The prime q in the base field F_q for G1
uint q = 21888242871839275222246405745257275088696311157297823662689037894645226208583;
if (p.X == 0 && p.Y == 0)
return G1Point(0, 0);
return G1Point(p.X, q - (p.Y % q));
/// @return the sum of two points of G1
function addition(G1Point p1, G1Point p2) internal returns (G1Point r) {
uint[4] memory input;
input[0] = p1.X;
input[1] = p1.Y;
input[2] = p2.X;
input[3] = p2.Y;
bool success;
assembly {
success := call(sub(gas, 2000), 6, 0, input, 0xc0, r, 0x60)
// Use "invalid" to make gas estimation work
switch success case 0 { invalid() }
/// @return the product of a point on G1 and a scalar, i.e.
/// p == p.scalar_mul(1) and p.addition(p) == p.scalar_mul(2) for all points p.
function scalar_mul(G1Point p, uint s) internal returns (G1Point r) {
uint[3] memory input;
input[0] = p.X;
input[1] = p.Y;
input[2] = s;
bool success;
assembly {
success := call(sub(gas, 2000), 7, 0, input, 0x80, r, 0x60)
// Use "invalid" to make gas estimation work
switch success case 0 { invalid() }
require (success);
/// @return the result of computing the pairing check
/// e(p1[0], p2[0]) * .... * e(p1[n], p2[n]) == 1
/// For example pairing([P1(), P1().negate()], [P2(), P2()]) should
/// return true.
function pairing(G1Point[] p1, G2Point[] p2) internal returns (bool) {
require(p1.length == p2.length);
uint elements = p1.length;
uint inputSize = elements * 6;
uint[] memory input = new uint[](inputSize);
for (uint i = 0; i < elements; i++)
input[i * 6 + 0] = p1[i].X;
input[i * 6 + 1] = p1[i].Y;
input[i * 6 + 2] = p2[i].X[0];
input[i * 6 + 3] = p2[i].X[1];
input[i * 6 + 4] = p2[i].Y[0];
input[i * 6 + 5] = p2[i].Y[1];
uint[1] memory out;
bool success;
assembly {
success := call(sub(gas, 2000), 8, 0, add(input, 0x20), mul(inputSize, 0x20), out, 0x20)
// Use "invalid" to make gas estimation work
switch success case 0 { invalid() }
return out[0] != 0;
/// Convenience method for a pairing check for two pairs.
function pairingProd2(G1Point a1, G2Point a2, G1Point b1, G2Point b2) internal returns (bool) {
G1Point[] memory p1 = new G1Point[](2);
G2Point[] memory p2 = new G2Point[](2);
p1[0] = a1;
p1[1] = b1;
p2[0] = a2;
p2[1] = b2;
return pairing(p1, p2);
/// Convenience method for a pairing check for three pairs.
function pairingProd3(
G1Point a1, G2Point a2,
G1Point b1, G2Point b2,
G1Point c1, G2Point c2
) internal returns (bool) {
G1Point[] memory p1 = new G1Point[](3);
G2Point[] memory p2 = new G2Point[](3);
p1[0] = a1;
p1[1] = b1;
p1[2] = c1;
p2[0] = a2;
p2[1] = b2;
p2[2] = c2;
return pairing(p1, p2);
/// Convenience method for a pairing check for four pairs.
function pairingProd4(
G1Point a1, G2Point a2,
G1Point b1, G2Point b2,
G1Point c1, G2Point c2,
G1Point d1, G2Point d2
) internal returns (bool) {
G1Point[] memory p1 = new G1Point[](4);
G2Point[] memory p2 = new G2Point[](4);
p1[0] = a1;
p1[1] = b1;
p1[2] = c1;
p1[3] = d1;
p2[0] = a2;
p2[1] = b2;
p2[2] = c2;
p2[3] = d2;
return pairing(p1, p2);
contract Verifier {
using Pairing for *;
struct VerifyingKey {
Pairing.G2Point A;
Pairing.G1Point B;
Pairing.G2Point C;
Pairing.G2Point gamma;
Pairing.G1Point gammaBeta1;
Pairing.G2Point gammaBeta2;
Pairing.G2Point Z;
Pairing.G1Point[] IC;
struct Proof {
Pairing.G1Point A;
Pairing.G1Point A_p;
Pairing.G2Point B;
Pairing.G1Point B_p;
Pairing.G1Point C;
Pairing.G1Point C_p;
Pairing.G1Point K;
Pairing.G1Point H;
function verifyingKey() pure internal returns (VerifyingKey vk) {
vk.A = Pairing.G2Point([0x213631a331f9c001031a5ca2c92462909eacbf47f1cb8415453762a17e47a07c, 0x4645567bea3cb01cfea3175bc5db1a4c3a6e9e7c8b30d7f1c589e232b3b6cd7], [0x20cff272c26fc833d4bc4f73d49888481b8688fc4548cf16cbaeb2ffea16fe87, 0x2a74706e5a68437a7f70ae9776d947e03b0e137fbbc5e891532921ec0284e854]);
vk.B = Pairing.G1Point(0x7aaf8eb194b7cf191762954b7b8e6cd9eaeefc91745adc070dd26ac3d830f15, 0x404f76b0c36fd81b440d711c919a0969dc7acacbb5eeabe0f007ab35054d681);
vk.C = Pairing.G2Point([0x1de003cf6f1d07d759ebdf53fe19c2a887776f19f8fb7c123bf5249dac1dc0bd, 0x1d750f61b47c8d322a3a5d612d38ad414a3ab1250d784000d7040d70bd0f3c22], [0x142a43f136f490add0f091a76a69e8fdba97c0ddfadea0c7d8abe1d596513acc, 0x25b3706172f1c3fba216c262fb711e444ea56844608bce0be60b8153a88c3169]);
vk.gamma = Pairing.G2Point([0x230c06dae2eed3458e985b021c630ed2a3e397d5bcc6a875766442eeacee8979, 0x1b09b9694e98d025ea32c285276651b89ea5668d30fa234b5ec816b1fc189321], [0x3f88703688fb1f557ccc52a57b47ea067544d13d1db11451ee242f2a246f9d3, 0x221b9dc3cdf62642fc423907e4acacbb428b0c33447c45e51813b6d3c71aa451]);
vk.gammaBeta1 = Pairing.G1Point(0x20d7e1898b10db2a08aa1bcb69ae52b6f86e2eac27ba1d5bb9f22d91ebd974e, 0x160444447e80f5dbb36f681f8645e5e17bdaa9af69a1c8ddef5bdf725b05074e);
vk.gammaBeta2 = Pairing.G2Point([0xe7899f4b950be29b370041eab7afe869aa17128d6fe4fcc60797ee2b419e87a, 0x5ae3dcdd644cea1098aa578ac0c342952ed8b5da9d6d64a20f30dfd30b06c81], [0xe42e6994655d07aff5e8bcb5363a41dfdc2623b0d283a390267ac9b182c944a, 0x20e2deb801db0ba2cbf1b1e44f7f11214f5b90ed393fb75152e492278668d1ca]);
vk.Z = Pairing.G2Point([0x2eed9541104ffba72c35fcc41daf399fde52e957351d35fa910a99676ce75aed, 0x90b95d08c0a36df90165471a43b05ef3be2a4f4c9348fde7820bfefd98dc7a4], [0x1a90e895c46e5ff7582a96472513c0bf1c95b4168f4775427c305988c706a226, 0xe0767db27e2df66ae816bd3bea6962ac4512291a64116e9db5b1a9365daddba]);
vk.IC = new Pairing.G1Point[](5);
vk.IC[0] = Pairing.G1Point(0x1185259cbc3af5dff2a4596c9909d669d1fec160854a2773926325eb43ee09de, 0x21a8c4f497fa8a4fde5aa29df5d7b0c80e90efbda567285563b0c467da438529);
vk.IC[1] = Pairing.G1Point(0x1c53738115556d76471d472ef6e494f5bd64e56f129c36c6eaf5069e3f9463d0, 0x2bf573b18eb44d3a36034706123c2cf818e982255ec01aa8bfaa58a7c26faf09);
vk.IC[2] = Pairing.G1Point(0x9f0161227c8a6a7799be8cdf3dc056e533d54672c86ef968992030b3128f8fb, 0xd9add78f0f97932496df80e71b2d30f89082a26537336fccfcf5eb10d78fbdf);
vk.IC[3] = Pairing.G1Point(0x160e53ff8627637aeb8530105a89ffc6cbc9fe927e00928849990d761d952505, 0x55a7bc118bab005e05c4d8ada64001e134785352fe29aa86a0ca36f3f190ab7);
vk.IC[4] = Pairing.G1Point(0xbe2d4d5379e03fa8e22097fe6b881d87cefa69ca5ce822db54a66f83c0e085f, 0x224d02149894e94d80b9467f23e0d8f3ea40a4838cbaacc3dc5813a21e8a882e);
function verify(uint[] input, Proof proof) internal returns (uint) {
VerifyingKey memory vk = verifyingKey();
require(input.length + 1 == vk.IC.length);
// Compute the linear combination vk_x
Pairing.G1Point memory vk_x = Pairing.G1Point(0, 0);
for (uint i = 0; i < input.length; i++)
vk_x = Pairing.addition(vk_x, Pairing.scalar_mul(vk.IC[i + 1], input[i]));
vk_x = Pairing.addition(vk_x, vk.IC[0]);
if (!Pairing.pairingProd2(proof.A, vk.A, Pairing.negate(proof.A_p), Pairing.P2())) return 1;
if (!Pairing.pairingProd2(vk.B, proof.B, Pairing.negate(proof.B_p), Pairing.P2())) return 2;
if (!Pairing.pairingProd2(proof.C, vk.C, Pairing.negate(proof.C_p), Pairing.P2())) return 3;
if (!Pairing.pairingProd3(
proof.K, vk.gamma,
Pairing.negate(Pairing.addition(vk_x, Pairing.addition(proof.A, proof.C))), vk.gammaBeta2,
Pairing.negate(vk.gammaBeta1), proof.B
)) return 4;
if (!Pairing.pairingProd3(
Pairing.addition(vk_x, proof.A), proof.B,
Pairing.negate(proof.H), vk.Z,
Pairing.negate(proof.C), Pairing.P2()
)) return 5;
return 0;
event Verified(string s);
function verifyTx(
uint[2] a,
uint[2] a_p,
uint[2][2] b,
uint[2] b_p,
uint[2] c,
uint[2] c_p,
uint[2] h,
uint[2] k,
uint[4] input
) public returns (bool r) {
Proof memory proof;
proof.A = Pairing.G1Point(a[0], a[1]);
proof.A_p = Pairing.G1Point(a_p[0], a_p[1]);
proof.B = Pairing.G2Point([b[0][0], b[0][1]], [b[1][0], b[1][1]]);
proof.B_p = Pairing.G1Point(b_p[0], b_p[1]);
proof.C = Pairing.G1Point(c[0], c[1]);
proof.C_p = Pairing.G1Point(c_p[0], c_p[1]);
proof.H = Pairing.G1Point(h[0], h[1]);
proof.K = Pairing.G1Point(k[0], k[1]);
uint[] memory inputValues = new uint[](input.length);
for(uint i = 0; i < input.length; i++){
inputValues[i] = input[i];
if (verify(inputValues, proof) == 0) {
emit Verified("Transaction successfully verified.");
return true;
} else {
return false;
51 changes: 51 additions & 0 deletions test/zksnarks.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@

const { join } = require('path')
const { expect } = require('code')

const { web3 } = require('../web3')({
// provider: 'http://localhost:8545',
root: join(__dirname, '..', 'contracts')

const gas = 50000000

describe('zkSNARKs', function () {

this.timeout(10 * 1000)

let from
let verifier

it('should setup', async () => {
from = await web3.eth.getCoinbase()

it('should require', () => {

it('should deploy', async () => {
verifier = await web3.deploy('Verifier', [], { from, gas })

it('should validate', async () => {

const A = [ '0x2e4a997ef48fbea7b028b7fed96b1c3a32a0f1bc93fa0deeef75fb7257addc48', '0x1143c47b28c640eeb70c102a211257facc1aecc36571f7b8b4e470f0470cba4d' ]
const A_p = [ '0x2f5607fe02c4f1220ff6987176f528529098d4862487c676160e6bfcbefa1a96', '0x5af587fe5ef77666177618cbe03ea484e2eb2617f47717d4662f0cf72118922' ]
const B = [ [ '0x1490dae180ec189f45a92d9ebff2ec6025c1eeed09f1279b326cfe69ccb0767e', '0x1df764c179e8dee76d577c10863506b68d4ec1c958eb3259c5e2b7ad1b019f5d' ], [ '0xb4d38e37e7391cf0b932c6c21ca56d77cd41d7c07ce07af2b9e80650bdee36a', '0x260ce914b14eb64838b578f68be374838317736dffa1b76186e224b9b1cc6e75' ] ]
const B_p = [ '0x1d858e0663b31e1a493a90188d2aa60d78edf6a01ffe99beb5e6cfdb78f92ebb', '0x1ccb5c0c3f3f693905ad5a8452085ba578a2152f60ae87aeab163db1e378901f' ]
const C = [ '0x9ced40daa1ac3e65ae9f42b96b9275372f63729f15f2e8061d30192ad613add', '0x25986db430212c1c7218e6adb3a1c8417d1219946572a279cf57b139bf2dc338' ]
const C_p = [ '0x11faa42ff8e2878c09876c3f89231a225e7f1cdd36e4865fc43765fce191fa90', '0x2f9cc970a701177dd74016248daf4d095329646c7405d828a471b7455b9550cd' ]
const H = [ '0x1122f2c662c39e24cb602bbd6f65adfed38b33184783e1ee6df2b41e2d88cc72', '0x12db64aec301e96e0d23571a46bc0720ec9cdd7979e8426c8d3897b6ed24a85c' ]
const K = [ '0x231f7cd63f0c972c4fbc0e779e9e0cdae4db4cf5008cef3085d071a8387db49e', '0x1d67555359bb4515ee67238d381d6fa46aa3b167a844ced664c8664b19485c6e' ]

expect(await verifier.methods.verifyTx(
A, A_p, B, B_p, C, C_p, H, K, [ 1, 2, 3, 6 ]
).call({ from, gas })).to.equal(true)

expect(await verifier.methods.verifyTx(
A, A_p, B, B_p, C, C_p, H, K, [ 2, 2, 3, 6 ]
).call({ from, gas })).to.equal(false)


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