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Noko Time Tracking

GitHub App

Noko Time Tracking

GitHub App

The Noko Github App will enable you to log time directly from git commit messages.

Once you've installed the Github App, you can configure which repositories it has access to:

Repository Access Settings

You can then start logging time from your commit messages.

For example:

  • [f:5m] will log 5 minutes
  • [f:1h] will log 1 hour
  • [f:4:12] will log 4 hours 12 minutes
git commit -m "fixing that #bug [f:1.5h]"

The f:xx part will not show up as part of the description in Noko.

For more details on how to set up the app and permissions, see


Noko Time Tracking is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.

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