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GitHub App


GitHub App


Terrahaxs is a tool that automates the process of running Terraform. It provides a simple way to manage and version your infrastructure as code. Terrahaxs works by integrating with your existing workflows, such as pull requests in your version control system, to automatically apply Terraform changes.

When a pull request is created, Terrahaxs will automatically run Terraform commands, such as plan and apply on the proposed changes in the pull request. It will then post the output of those commands in a Status Check, allowing team members to review the proposed changes and approve or reject them.

Once the pull request meets the specified apply requirements, anyone can apply the changes to the target environment via the GitHub UI. Terrahaxs also supports locking and unlocking resources, which prevents multiple people from running Terraform commands on the same resource at the same time.

Terrahaxs does not provide a separate web interface, instead opting to fully integrate with your existing tools (i.e. GitHub).

Overall, Terrahaxs helps to automate and streamline the process of managing your infrastructure as code, making it more efficient, consistent, and reliable. It also promotes collaboration and communication among the team members by allowing them to review and approve changes before they are applied to production.

Increased visibility

When everyone is executing Terraform on their own computers, it's hard to know the current state of your infrastructure:

  • Is what's in main branch deployed?
  • Did someone forget to create a pull request for that latest change?
  • What was the output from that last terraform apply?
    With Terrahaxs, everything is visible on the pull request. You can view the history of everything that was done to your infrastructure.

Enable collaboration with everyone

You probably don't want to distribute Terraform credentials to everyone in your engineering organization, but now anyone can open up a Terraform pull request.

You can require approval before the pull request is applied so nothing happens accidentally.

Review Terraform pull requests better

You can't fully review a Terraform change without seeing the output of terraform plan. Now that output is added to the pull request automatically.


Terrahaxs is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.

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