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This repository demonstrates Kafka consumer group static membership and using a Kubernetes stateful set to achieve that.


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What is this for?

This repository demonstrates Kafka consumer group static membership and using a Kubernetes stateful set to achieve that.

The main advantage of static membership is to limit rebalancing, and generally make that process more predictable. For a set of applications the minimization of rebalancing is a critical requirement of the system.

Who is this for?

Developers, platform engineers, and others may use this repository for design and architectural patterns for implementing Kafka consumer group static membership.

What is here?


The producer retrieves a weather report for a random geo coordinate, and then publishes that weather report to a Kafka topic.

The producer module is a Spring Boot non-web application with a Scheduled service that retrieves and then publishes a weather report.


The consumer receives weather reports from a Kafka topic, and then logs them.

The consumer module is a Spring Boot non-web application with a KafkaListener service that receives and then logs weather reports.

Docker Compose

docker-compose.yml contains a 3-broker Kafka cluster definition, as well as definitions for producer and consumer.



  • kind: Deployment
  • replicas: 1


  • kind: StatefulSet
  • replicas: 10

What are the dependencies?

  • Docker
  • Kubernetes (optional)

How do I build?

~/projects/kafka-static-membership # docker compose build

How do I run?

~/projects/kafka-static-membership # make up service=kafka
~/projects/kafka-static-membership # docker compose up -d producer
~/projects/kafka-static-membership # docker compose up -d consumer

How do I deploy?

~/projects/kafka-static-membership # make up service=kafka
~/projects/kafka-static-membership # kubectl apply -f k8s/producer/deployment.yml
~/projects/kafka-static-membership # kubectl apply -f k8s/consumer/deployment.yml

How to observe static membership?

  • Pod names are of the form kafka-static-membership-<replica index> (e.g., kafka-static-membership-9)
  • No rebalancing in logs after pod restarts

Further Reading