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AppSwitch Command Line Options

AppSwitch features are provided through the ax command.

This guide goes over various options supported by ax command thereby describing the related features. The top level commands include:

daemon             Start the AppSwitch daemon
run                Run an application under AppSwitch
get                Get active resources
create             Create a resource
delete, del        Delete a resource


The daemon sub command is used to start the AppSwitch daemon.

System Call Forwarding Driver

--driver name        System call forwarding driver name ('user' or 'kernel')

AppSwitch can be used with either a user-space driver or a kernel-space driver. If the --driver flag is not set then the default behavior is to use the kernel driver if the AppSwitch kernel module is loaded. If the module is not loaded then user-space driver is used.

Node Interface

--node-interface interface           Node interface to use by daemon. Accepts IP address or interface name, eg eth0

The host interface that AppSwitch daemon should use to communicate with its peers on other nodes. You can specify the interface by name (eg eth0) or by IP address. If unspecified, it defaults to the first interface listed on the node.


--neighbors csv           List (csv) of IP addresses of cluster neighbors

In order to configure more than one node into an AppSwitch cluster you may provide to each node a comma separated list of IP addresses of neighbor nodes.

$ ax daemon --node-interface --neighbors,

Clean Start

--clean                      Remove any saved state from previous sessions

When AppSwitch daemon is shutdown, the state of sockets maintained on behalf of the applications is saved under /var/run/appswitch. If this flag is set, then any saved state from earlier runs of the daemon is removed before starting the daemon. The default behavior is to restore the saved state.

Node Name

--node-name name             Name of the node (defaults to host name)

Name used to identify the node. Defaults to the host name of the node that the daemon is running on.

Profiling AppSwitch

--cpu-profile file   Write CPU profile output to file
--mem-profile file   Write memory profile output to file

Golang profiling can be enabled using the --cpu-profile and --mem-profile options. Each option sets the file name (relative or absolute path) for profiling output. Output file is a binary file that can be viewed using standard go tools.

$ ax daemon --cpu-profile /tmp/
... Ctl-C

$ go tool pprof /tmp/

Domain Name System

--dns                Start the built-in DNS server (default: true)

If this flag is set then AppSwitch starts a DNS server on port 53. The built-in DNS server resolves the names associated with the applications run under AppSwitch. This option is required to use the --name <name> option to the run command.

DNS Configuration Options

--dns-domain name    DNS domain name suffix (default: "appswitch.local")
--dns-servers csv    List (csv) of 'IP[:port]' strings of forwarding servers

Configuration options for the built-in DNS server. You can optionally specify a DNS suffix and a list of forwarding DNS servers. For example

$ ax daemon --dns-servers,

Transport Layer Security

AppSwitch can be configured to use Transport Layer Security for internal communication among the daemons.

--tls                        Enable Transport Layer Security

TLS Configuration Options

--tls-ca-cert file           Path to TLS CA certificate file
--tls-cert file              Path to TLS certificate file
--tls-key file               Path to TLS key file

Currently AppSwitch needs the absolute path to all files when configuring TLS. If you create a self signed certificate you can start the AppSwitch daemon like this

$ ax daemon --tls \
    --tls-ca-cert /etc/ssl/certs/cacert.pem \
    --tls-cert /etc/ssl/certs/ax.crt \
    --tls-key /etc/ssl/private/ax.key


--ports csv          List (csv) of ports, or port ranges, reserved for applications (default: "40000-60000")

AppSwitch binds application sockets to ports on the host from this port space.

$ ax daemon --ports '4000,6000-8000'

REST Port Number

--rest-port number           REST API port number (default: 6664)

AppSwitch exposes most of its functionality through the REST API. Most of the the CLI commands are simply a front end to the REST API. This option specifies the port number used for the REST endpoint.

Gossip Protocol

AppSwitch uses Serf as the gossip channel. Serf can be configured with the following options

--gossip-port number         Gossip protocol port number (default: 7946)
--gossip-auto-discover       Auto discover neighbors

Egress Gateway

--egress-gateway             Configure node as egress gateway

If this flag is set, connections to external services would be proxied through this daemon. However, the presence of the intermediate egress gateway would be transparent to the client running under AppSwitch. That is, client would directly connect to the external service and not the egress gateway.

Cluster Name

--cluster name               Cluster name.  Required if cluster is part of a federation

Name used to identify the cluster. All cluster names within a federation must be unique. Cluster name is only needed if this node is part of a cluster that will be part of a federation of clusters. Otherwise the default 'appswitch' can be used. All nodes within the cluster should be configured with the same name.


Multiple AppSwitch clusters may be connected together to form a federation (see :ref:`hierarchy`). To achieve this one or more nodes in each cluster must be configured as a federation gateway node. Connections to services from one cluster to another will be made through the federation gateway nodes.

A federation gateway node has two listening services. One, referred to as the egress federation gateway service, accepts connections from other cluster nodes. Data flows out of a cluster via the egress federation gateway service. The second, referred to as the ingress federation gateway service accepts connections on the wide area network from other federation gateway nodes. Data flows into a cluster via the ingress federation gateway service.

Federation Gateway Node Configuration Options

--federation-gateway-ip interface            IP address or interface name for federation connectivity
--federation-gateway-advertise-ip value      Required iff proxy node is behind NAT
--federation-gateway-port number             TCP port number for federation gateway sessions (default: 6660)
--federation-gateway-gossip-port number      Federation gossip protocol port number (default: 7947)
--federation-gateway-neighbors csv           List (csv) of IP addresses of federation neighbors (other gateway nodes)

Please note also; when configuring a federation each and every node must be configured with it's cluster name, and furthermore cluster names must be unique within a federation (See cluster-label for details).


The run sub command is used to run an application under AppSwitch.

IP Address

--ip address         IPv4 address at which services of this application would be reachable

The specified IP address is associated with the application. When an AppSwitch-managed client connects to the IP address, it would be automatically directed to the services of this application. To achieve that, a vservice is implicitly created. The same IP address could be used for other applications, in which case, all those applications become backends for the vservice.

DNS Resolvable Name

--name value         DNS resolvable name of the application

The specified name is associated with the application. When an AppSwitch-managed client looks up this name, it is resolved to the IP address associated with the application by AppSwith daemon's built-in DNS server.


--labels csv         Labels of this application (default: "zone=default")

Allows arbitrary labels of the form label=value to be associated with the application. This option accepts a comma separated list of labels all of which will be associated with the application. Accepts arbitrary string values for both 'label' and 'value'. A client would be able to reach a service only if they share at least one matching label. For example, a client with a label role=test cannot connect to a service with a label role=prod or one without any labels.

Exposed Ports

--expose option is used to expose an internal application port on the cluster node(s) such that the service can be accessed by external non-AppSwitch clients. There are three variations of it:

--expose internal-port:host-port

The specified application port would be exposed on the specified external port only on the node where the application is running.

For example, a python web server (port 8000) can be exposed on external port 9999 as follows:

$ ax run --expose '8000:9999' python -m http.server
$ curl -I
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Server: SimpleHTTP/0.6 Python/3.5.2
Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2018 05:23:33 GMT
Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 2377
--expose internal-port:<node-IP>:node-port

The specified application port would be exposed on the specified external port only on the specified node. The specified node-IP must belong to one of the nodes in the AppSwitch cluster.

--expose internal-port:

The specified application port would be exposed on the specified external port on every node in the AppSwitch cluster. This is equivalent to the nodePort feature of Kubernetes. A similar result can also be produced by creating an external vservice.


--user name          UID or user name to run the child process

When the client runs an application it is run by default as the same user that invoked AppSwitch. If AppSwitch is run as root (which is required to create a new network namespace) then the application being run will be run as root. This is often not the desired behavior. Using the --user option the name or UID of a valid user can be given to the client and the application being run will be run as that user.

$ ax run -- whoami

$ ax run --user alice whoami

Interface Name

--interface name     Name of the dummy interface created within the application's network namespace

Some applications require the presence of a non-loopback network interface in order to function. AppSwitch places the application in a new network namespace by default. With this option, a dummy interface with the specified name can be created in the new network namespace before the application is executed. A new network namespace has, by default, only the loopback interface. This option requires that --no-new-netns flag is not used.

$ ax run -- ip addr show
1: lo: <LOOPBACK> mtu 65536 qdisc noop state DOWN group default qlen 1000
 link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
$ ax run --interface eth0 ip addr show
1: lo: <LOOPBACK> mtu 65536 qdisc noop state DOWN group default qlen 1
 link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
2: eth0: <BROADCAST,NOARP,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000
 link/ether d2:a0:cb:e5:b0:33 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
 inet scope global eth0
    valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
 inet6 fe80::d0a0:cbff:fee5:b033/64 scope link
    valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

Network Namespace

--new-netns          Create a new network namespace (default: true)

Each application run by AppSwitch is run in a separate namespace. Creation of a new namespace is handled by AppSwitch by default. Sometimes this behavior is not required, for example when running within a Docker container. Note that creating a new network namespace also requires privilege. To prevent from new network namespace from being created --new-netns=false can be used.

DNS Override

--dns-override       Take over application's DNS requests (default: true)

This option overrides existing resolv.conf file for the application with one that points to the built-in DNS server by mounting over it. Host is not affected by this. To prevent dns override use --dns-override=false.


The get command is used to display current AppSwitch resources.


  • The IP address of the host machine is
  • The daemon was started with: ax daemon --node-name node1
  • Two AppSwitch client instances were started - ax run -- nc -l 6000 - ax run -- iperf3 -s

ax get apps

Displays information about applications currently running under AppSwitch

                 NAME                    APPID    NODEID   CLUSTER        APPIP     DRIVER     LABELS          ZONES
<ab856b81-7db0-4d88-8a1e-1bfbf0c5fe9f>  f00001bb  node1   appswitch  user    zone=default  [zone==default]
<04a275bc-b9b4-4496-9c9d-a838daecdffb>  f000028e  node1   appswitch  user    zone=default  [zone==default]

ax get servers

Shows information about currently running services.

node1   appswitch   f00001bb  tcp
node1   appswitch   f000028e  tcp

SERVICEADDR above represents the virtual IP address where the service is available to AppSwitch-managed clients and the IPV4ADDR represents the host IP and port where the service is actually bound.

ax get sockets

Displays socket information for currently running applications

                 ID                   NODEID    APPID   INODE  PROTO  FLAGS     BINDIP      BACKLOG
4daa64c4-2091-46e0-8a67-5428fae9775d  node1   f00001bb  829    tcp    0   1
f6dd4f27-bb4e-4c4a-a076-dc07c29af7be  node1   f000028e  833    tcp    0   5

ax get proxies

Displays current proxies. Example listing is off a node configured to be a federation gateway node (see :ref:`federation-label` for details).

  1   tcp      []
  2   tcp  []


Create command is used to create a resource. Resource is a general construct that represents a particular AppSwitch feature.

Currently supported resources are:

vservice                Create a virtual service


A virtual service (vservice) is a virtual-IP:virtual-port combination that acts as a load balancing front end to a set of backend services. Backend services consist of services listed in the service table or external services specified as IP:port pairs. The vIP, vPort and the IP:Ports of the backend services are specified by the user.

The following options are provided by vservice command.

--ip value           IPv4 address for the virtual service
--external           Make this vservice external

A virtual service can be marked external. In that case, in addition to creating the vservice with the specified vIP and vPort, the virtual service represented by the load balanced backend services is exposed on the vPort on all nodes of the cluster.

--lbtype value       Load Balancer Type <possible values: Random, RoundRobin> (default: "Random")
--backends value     Comma separated list of IPv4 IPs
--ports value        Comma separated list of <virtual port:application port>. The service will be made available on all cluster nodes on virtual port
--source-ip          Host IP address to use when making the outbound connection
