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This repository has been archived by the owner on Sep 27, 2023. It is now read-only.


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Face Tracker

Example of using Kairos face recognition technology. Link to project page.

Quick start

  1. Clone this repo using:
$ git clone --depth=1
  1. To install dependencies and clean the git repo run:
$ npm run setup

We auto-detect yarn for installing packages by default, if you wish to force npm usage do:

$ USE_YARN=false npm run setup

Project Structure


You will write your app in the this folder. This is the folder you will spend most, if not all, of your time in.


This folder contains subfolders - one for each route of your application with components, containers, styles and tests inside. We recommend using flat structure which means that you should put each route as a child of this directory regardless of view relationship.


This folder contains reducers, actions, constants, sagas and selectors grouped in modules which means thath you should keep your business loigc here


This folder contains environment configs. Webpack uses proper config depending on application environment. Config can be used by importing env-config


This boilerplate comes with preconfigured fixtures integration which means that you can put any .json files in this folder and easily fetch it as fixtures using sagas. Those files are available by calling /fixtures/*.json url.


In this folder you should put any global styles that cannot be placed in routes.


This is the place to keep .json files with translation messages. You should not move this directory in order for messages generation feature to work.


This folder contain any images used in your application. /sprites directory is used by spritesimth plugin.


You can call this area the "engine" of your app. Your source code cannot be executed as-is in the web browser. It needs to pass through webpack to get converted into a form that web browsers understand. While it's certainly helpful to understand what is happening here, for real world usage you won't have to mess around with this folder much.

  • internals/webpack: webpack configuration
  • internals/scripts: scripts used in package.json
  • internals/testing/test.index.spec.js: entry point for unit tests. You should put any global mocks and add unit test configuration here


As the name suggests, this folder contains development and production server configuration.

Command Line Commands


npm run setup

Initializes a new project with this boilerplate. Deletes the react-boilerplate git history, installs the dependencies and initializes a new repository.

Note: This command is self-destructive, once you've run it the init script is gone forever. This is for your own safety, so you can't delete your project's history irreversibly by accident.


npm start

Starts the development server running on http://localhost:3000

npm start:tunnel

Starts the development server and makes your application accessible at localhost:3000. Tunnels that server with ngrok, which means the website accessible anywhere! Changes in the application code will be hot-reloaded.


npm run build

Preps your app for deployment (does not run tests). Optimizes and minifies all files, piping them to the build folder.

Upload the contents of build to your web server to see your work live!


To publish project:

npm run deploy


npm run test

Tests your application with the unit tests specified in the **/__tests__/*.spec.js files throughout the application.

npm run test:watch

Watches changes to your application and re-runs tests whenever a file changes.

npm run test:coverage

Generates test coverage.

npm run analyze

This command will generate a stats.json file from your production build, which you can upload to the webpack analyzer. This analyzer will visualize your dependencies and chunks with detailed statistics about the bundle size.


npm run lint

Lints your JavaScript.


This project is licensed under the MIT license, Copyright (c) 2017 Apptension. For more information see


No description, website, or topics provided.







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