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Referral Program on Apps having LogOut & LogIn

Ram edited this page Sep 2, 2016 · 11 revisions

Running Referral program on Mobile Apps that have LogIn and Logout functionality is a challenge. Sometimes, multiple users login and logout with different email ids use a single mobile device. In such cases handling fraud becomes a difficult task. Usually, referral programs are designed by treating the mobile device as personal and are tightly linked up with a user until the device is reset and all the device parameters are cross checked before rewarding the user.This is to make sure that existing users are not treated as new users.

Whereas, for apps having Login & Logout features and having chance that multiple users can use the same device, we can’t tightly couple the device with single user. Hence we can’t use device parameters for fraud verification. To deal with such a situation, we have to use OTP check, to deal with fraud.

AppVirality handles such situation by providing two SDK methods. These SDK methods need to be executed when a user clicks on Logout button.


When user SignUp/SignIn, initialize the SDK with user email

JSONObject userDetails = new JSONObject();
userDetails.put("emailid", editTextEmailID.getText().toString());
userDetails.put("referrercode", editTextrefcode.getText().toString());

AppviralityAPI.initWithAppKey(getApplicationContext(), AV_Key, userDetails, new AppviralityAPI.InitListner() {
					public void onInit(boolean isSuccess, JSONObject userDetails) {

Things to be taken care before running referral program on Apps having Login & Logout:

  1. Having OTP verification in Refer & Earn screen, so that the verification would get completed even before a user starts to referring his friends.
  2. Reach out to AppVirality support and ask them for necessary fraud checks to be disabled to allow multiple users to use a single device.
  3. Implement the following method in logout button click event, to allow multiple users to use single device.