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Android SDK Version History

Ram edited this page Jan 10, 2019 · 27 revisions

Current Version - 2.0.11

Version - 2.0.11

Major Changes:
  1. Allowed appkey to be updated
  2. Fixed sharedpref issue with Appkey changes.

Version - 2.0.10

Major Changes:
  1. built with target sdk version 28
  2. Implemented caching for userbalance call
  3. removed network type param in dev profile
  4. Improved request queuing to avoid duplicate calls
  5. Bug Fixes and improvements

Version - 2.0.9

Major Changes:
  1. optimised check attribution call.
  2. Improved update user details callback.
  3. Changed image handling from external storage to internal
  4. Bug Fixes and improvements

Version - 2.0.8

Major Changes:
  1. No longer accessing few device parameters in line with google policy update.
  2. Handled few social channel package name changes(messaging) and multiple share intents(Facebook).
  3. Fixed display invite contacts option in post Lollipop devices.
  4. Using content uri in place of file uri, as mandated by Google in Nougat.

Version - 2.0.7

Major Changes:
  1. Welcome screen action button customization

Version - 2.0.6

Major Changes:
  1. Referral Invite screen update
  2. Added new invite action - Invite from contacts
  3. Option to add custom social actions other than default.
  4. Added Config class to enable or disable features like rooted device check and Emulator check.
  5. Fixed multiple social action with same package name issue.
  6. Other bug fixes/improvements.

Version - 2.0.5

Major Changes:
  1. Fixed Social Action Images share issue.
  2. Improved checks to identify emulators and rooted devices.
  3. Implemented check for campaign and social action images so as to refresh images only if any image has been changed.
  4. Fixed memory leaks issues.
  5. Provided new method recordSocialAction() to record social actions incase of custom UI.
  6. Modified error messages so as to return more meaningful message in callbacks. 7.Added methods to set instagram, pinterest, twitter and whatsapp share image paths.
  7. Modified saveConversionEvent() method arguments.
  8. Modified invokeInvite() method arguments.
  9. Added getUserKey() method in AppVirality class.

Class or Method Name and Signature Changes:

  1. Class “Items” has been renamed to class “SocialItem”
  2. Method “copiedToClipboard()” doesn’t require arguments
  3. ArrayList with name “allSocialActions” in CampaignDetail Class has been renamed to “allSocialItems”
  4. SubmitReferralCodeListener has been modified to include additional response information in the callback.
  5. saveConversionEvent() method arguments have been changed. No longer need to provide campaign ID, added extraInfo parameter.
  6. invokeInvite() method arguments have been changed.
  7. Method setPushRegId() has been renamed to setPushToken() in userDetails Class

Version - 2.0.4

Major Changes:
  1. Fixed issue with context
  2. Accepting referrercode in checkAttribution callback to show welcome screen in case of referrer code

Version - 2.0.3

Major Changes:
  1. Fixed welcome screen issue while using with Check attribution call
  2. Fixed issue with campaign details after logout.

Version - 2.0.2

Major Changes:
  1. Fixed SDK auto init on get campaign/other calls
  2. Added product sharing features
  3. Fixed Logout and preferences clearing issue,
  4. Optimized EarningsFragment class and its layout file

Version - 2.0.1

Major Changes:
  1. API encoding
  2. Dropped user location auto access for user targeting

Version - 2.0.0

Major Changes:
  1. Initial commit, it's completely new and re-written SDK.
  2. All callback names and methods got modified.
  3. Improved request management.

Version - 1.1.28

Major Changes:
  1. Fixed Logout issues with Shared pref
  2. Handled App Key changes

Version - 1.1.27

Major Changes:
  1. AV will not access Google accounts to automatically capture EmailId.
  2. Changed API URLs to register user
  3. Encrypting sensitive user details during user registration.
  4. User location will not be used automatically for location targeting

Version - 1.1.26

Major Changes:

Fixed static variables reset issue on logout.

Version - 1.1.25

Major Changes:

Bug fixes and improvements.

Version - 1.1.24

Major Changes:

modified fraud checks according to recent google policy.

Version - 1.1.23

Major Changes:
  1. fixed setreferralcode
  2. fixed SDK invocation issue due to background services.
  3. Bug fixes

Version - 1.1.22

Major Changes:
  1. Added New callback to Initialize the SDK with UserEmail and ReferralCode. This is Required for Apps which has Signup/SignIn and want to have unique ReferralCode.
  2. Added New API V1.1.2 for Campaign Details to return unique Referral Code across all platforms. Invite link remains different across all platforms to track platform specific stats.

Version - 1.1.21

Major Changes:
  1. Introduced new property “isExistingUser” , this will help to identify is the user is existing user or new user. This property will not be changed until App re-install.

Version - 1.1.20

Major Changes:
  1. Added ReferralCode replacement token in social share messages.
  2. Used “isReferrerConfirmed” parameters in Getuser call response to determine when to submit referral code by calling “setreferrercode”.

Version - 1.1.19

Major Changes:
  1. Referral Code Introduced
  2. isExistingUser property can be set only once.
  3. Modified welcome screen & Growth hack page

Version - 1.1.18

Major Changes:
  1. Included time-stamp with SaveConversion events.
  2. Hidden androidlav folder from Android image gallery.
  3. Handled repeated AppUserStats call.

Version - 1.1.17

Major Changes:
  1. Added Static variable to receive Install Referrer to over come the delay.
  2. Fixes

Version - 1.1.16

Major Changes:
  1. Added Update User Details callback.
  2. Fixes

Version - 1.1.15

Major Changes:
  1. Handled Install Referrer broadcast Delay.
  2. Fixes

Version - 1.1.14

Major Changes:
  1. Bug Fixes and Install Referrer Included for 100% attribution.
  2. Fixes

Version - 1.1.8

Major Changes:
  • Push Notifications.
  • New Social Action Added "Invite from Contacts".
  • Users can see their coupons in settings > "My Coupons" section.
  • Added Method "getEmailIdFromAccounts()" to return the user Email ID which is used for rewarding.
  • Fixed issue related to "hasReferrer()" and now it returns "true" if the user has a referrer.
  • Improved user targeting by measuring growth hack direct launches.
Dashboard Changes:
  • Campaign Status change notifications on auto pause.(due to unavailability of rewards or coupon expiry)
  • Email & Push Notification Logs.
  • LTV of the users acquired through Referral program
  • Advanced Deep Linking
  • Web hook logs

Version - 1.1.7

Major Changes:
  • Now you can launch Share Intent and Mini Notification in the same Activity.
  • Signup button click event on Welcome page can be captured in parent activity.
  • Testing Referral system becomes much easier in debug mode.

Version - 1.1.6

Major Changes:
  • Fix Custom Growth Hack template on first launch.

Version - 1.1.5

Major Changes:
  • Added Test Mode for referral program testing
  • Added Terms & Conditions in Growth Hack page

Version - 1.1.4

Major Changes:
  • Added callback for Signup Conversion event
  • Update on fraud detection
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