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Ngobrol (Real-Time Messaging Application)

This messaging application was built using Next JS framework for the frontend and Spring Boot framework for the backend. To try to run the application on your local computer you need to install Node.js 16, Java 11, and Maven

Clone the project by git clone, and there are two folders, ngobrol-frontend and ngobrol-web-socket

Ngobrol Desktop

Ngobrol Mobile 1     Ngobrol Mobile 2

Build The Backend

Open your terminal and change the directory to ngobrol-web-socket, then execute the following commands line by line. The server will run on port 7080

# Build the backend
mvn clean
mvn install package spring-boot:repackage

# Run the backend
java -jar ./target/ngobrol-web-socket-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

Build The Fronted

Open your terminal and change the directory to ngobrol-frontend, then execute the following commands line by line. The server will run on port 3000

# Build the frontend
npm install
npm run build

# Run the server
npm run start


You can use two different browsers to try the functionality of the application. You can use two accounts already created or just sign up to create a new one

First account
password: ciater12345

Second account
password: bekasi12345