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Some Practice with TensorFlow

This is a record of my practice in moving from formal courses and independent study in machine learning to using TensorFlow on my own.


What things you need to install the software and how to install them.

  • I am using a Dell XPS-13 9370 Developer Edition laptop
    with Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS installed. [This machine has an
    Thunderbolt 3 usb C port and an external NVIDIA GTX 1070Ti GPU in an Alito Node Pro enclosure]

  • I also use an Alienware 15 laptop running both
    Linux Mint 18.3 and Windows 10. [This machine has an internal NVIDIA GTX 1070 Mobile GPU]

  • FYI: For the time being I’m using the CPU-only versions
    of TensorFlow.

  • I downloaded the latest anaconda linux distribution for python 3.7 from:


first install the latest anaconda python 3.7 or whatever, open a terminal, and update your “base” environment

$ conda update conda
$ conda update --all

create new environment called “tensorFlow” (note this name can be anything … I use a capital ‘F’) which has the version 3.6 of python and all of anaconda packages compatible with that (numpy, matplotlib, scikits, tqdm, …) and activate this new environment

$ conda create -n tensorFlow python=3.6 anaconda
$ conda activate tensorFlow

now you are in that environment, install tensorflow and keras and update all

$ conda install tensorflow
$ conda install keras
$ conda update --all

now you can deactivate this and return to the “base” environment if you want

$ conda deactivate

then you can list your environments

$ conda info -e

later once you are sick of this, you can remove the environment and all of its contents

$ conda env remove --name tensorFlow

Ready to go

Start up a jupyter notebook which can use TensorFlow

activate your environment

$ conda activate tensorFlow

run jupyter notebook

$ jupyter notebook

a new web browser page will open, if not open a browser and point to the URL displayed in this terminal

when you are all done - close your browser and kill the jupyter notebook server by typing:


Running some programs

In the main jupyter notebook web page you can browse your file system for a specific jupyter notebook to work on.

Start up TensorBoard to to look at the workings of your TensorFlow computation graph, perhaps a deep neural network

open another terminal and activate “tensorFlow” and then run tensorboard :

$ conda activate tensorFlow
$ tensorboard --logdir=./tmp/example --port=8002 --reload_interval=5

“./tmp/example” is the path to the folder containing your tensorboard log files … we’ll see more about this in the code examples

to see the TensorBoard interface you’ll need to open a new tab in your web browser to:



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  • Stephen Brown - Initial work - MIT

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


Written with StackEdit.


Learning TensorFlow







No releases published
