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Here are the solutions of Leetcode DAILY & other problem solutions


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Here are the solutions of Leetcode DAILY & other problem solutions

DAY 1(14 JAN) : Determine if Two Strings Are Close

DAY 2(15 JAN) : Find Players With Zero or One Losses

DAY 3(16 JAN) : Insert Delete GetRandom O(1)

DAY 4(17 JAN) : Unique Number of Occurrences

DAY 5(18 JAN) : Climbing Stairs

DAY 6(19 JAN) : Minimum Falling Path Sum

DAY 7(20 JAN) : Sum of Subarray Minimums

DAY 8(21 JAN) : House Robber

DAY 9(22 JAN) : Set Mismatch

DAY 10(23 JAN) : Maximum Length of a Concatenated String with Unique Characters

DAY 11(24 JAN) : Pseudo-Palindromic Paths in a Binary Tree

DAY 12(25 JAN) : Longest Common Subsequence

DAY 13(26 JAN) : Out of Boundary Paths

DAY 14(27 JAN) : K Inverse Pairs Array

DAY 15(28 JAN) : Number of Submatrices That Sum to Target

DAY 16(29 JAN) : Implement Queue using Stacks

DAY 17(30 JAN) : Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation

DAY 18(31 JAN) : Daily Temperatures

DAY 19(1 FEB) : Divide Array Into Arrays With Max Difference

DAY 20(2 FEB) : Sequential Digits

DAY 21(3 FEB) : Partition Array for Maximum Sum

DAY 22(4 FEB) : Minimum Window Substring

DAY 23(5 FEB) : First Unique Character in a String

DAY 24(6 FEB) : Group Anagrams

DAY 25(7 FEB) : Sort Characters By Frequency

DAY 26(8 FEB) : Perfect Squares

DAY 27(9 FEB) : Largest Divisible Subset

DAY 28(10 FEB) : Palindromic Substrings

DAY 29(11 FEB) : Cherry Pickup II

DAY 30(12 FEB) : Majority Element

DAY 31(13 FEB) : Find First Palindromic String in the Array

DAY 32(14 FEB) : Rearrange Array Elements by Sign

DAY 33(15 FEB) : Find Polygon With the Largest Perimeter

DAY 34(16 FEB) : Least Number of Unique Integers after K Removals

DAY 35(17 FEB) : Furthest Building You Can Reach

DAY 36(18 FEB) : Meeting Rooms III

DAY 37(19 FEB) : Power of Two

DAY 38(20 FEB) : Missing Number

DAY 39(21 FEB) : Bitwise AND of Numbers Range

DAY 40(22 FEB) : Find the Town Judge

DAY 41(23 FEB) : Cheapest Flights Within K Stops

DAY 42(24 FEB) : Find All People With Secret

DAY 43(25 FEB) : Greatest Common Divisor Traversal

DAY 44(26 FEB) : Same Tree

DAY 45(27 FEB) : Diameter of Binary Tree

DAY 46(28 FEB) : Find Bottom Left Tree Value

DAY 47(29 FEB) : Even Odd Tree

DAY 48(03 MAR) : Remove Nth Node From End of List

DAY 49(04 MAR) : Bag of Tokens

DAY 50(05 MAR) : Minimum Length of String After Deleting Similar Ends

DAY 51(06 MAR) : Linked List Cycle

DAY 52(07 MAR) : Middle of the Linked List

DAY 53(08 MAR) : Count Elements With Maximum Frequency

DAY 54(09 MAR) : Minimum Common Value

DAY 55(10 MAR) : Intersection of Two Arrays

DAY 56(11 MAR) : Custom Sort String

DAY 57(12 MAR) : Remove Zero Sum Consecutive Nodes from Linked List

DAY 58(13 MAR) : Find the Pivot Integer

DAY 59(14 MAR) : Binary Subarrays With Sum

DAY 60(15 MAR) : Product of Array Except Self

DAY 61(16 MAR) : Contiguous Array

DAY 62(17 MAR) : Insert Interval

DAY 63(18 MAR) : Minimum Number of Arrows to Burst Balloons

DAY 64(19 MAR) : Task Scheduler

DAY 65(20 MAR) : Merge In Between Linked Lists

DAY 66(21 MAR) : Reverse Linked List

DAY 67(22 MAR) : Palindrome Linked List

DAY 68(23 MAR) : Fibonacci series up to Nth term

DAY 69(24 MAR) : Find the Duplicate Number

DAY 70(25 MAR) : Find All Duplicates in an Array

DAY 71(26 MAR) : First Missing Positive

DAY 72(27 MAR) : Subarray Product Less Than K

DAY 73(28 MAR) : Length of Longest Subarray With at Most K Frequency

DAY 74(29 MAR) : Count Subarrays Where Max Element Appears at Least K Times

DAY 75(30 MAR) : Subarrays with K Different Integers

DAY 76(31 MAR) : Count Subarrays With Fixed Bounds

DAY 77(1 APR) : Length of Last Word

DAY 78(2 APR) : Isomorphic Strings

DAY 79(3 APR) : Word Search

DAY 80(4 APR) : Maximum Nesting Depth of the Parentheses

DAY 81(5 APR) : Make The String Great

DAY 82(6 APR) : Minimum Remove to Make Valid Parentheses

DAY 83(7 APR) : Valid Parenthesis String

DAY 84(8 APR) : Number of Students Unable to Eat Lunch

DAY 85(9 APR) : Time Needed to Buy Tickets

DAY 86(10 APR) : Reveal Cards In Increasing Order

DAY 87(11 APR) : Remove K Digits

DAY 88(12 APR) : Trapping Rain Water

DAY 89(13 APR) : Maximal Rectangle

DAY 90(14 APR) : Sum of Left Leaves

DAY 91(15 APR) : Sum Root to Leaf Numbers

DAY 92(16 APR) : Add One Row to Tree

DAY 93(17 APR) : Smallest String Starting From Leaf

DAY 94(18 APR) : Island Perimeter

DAY 95(19 APR) : Number of Islands

DAY 96(20 APR) : Find All Groups of Farmland

DAY 97(21 APR) : Find if Path Exists in Graph

DAY 98(22 APR) : Open the Lock

DAY 99(23 APR) : Minimum Height Trees

DAY 100(24 APR) : N-th Tribonacci Number

DAY 101(25 APR) : Longest Ideal Subsequence

DAY 102(26 APR) : Minimum Falling Path Sum II

DAY 103(27 APR) : Freedom Trail

DAY 104(28 APR) : Sum of Distances in Tree

DAY 105(29 APR) : Minimum Number of Operations to Make Array XOR Equal to K

DAY 106(30 APR) : Number of Wonderful Substrings

DAY 107(1 MAY) : Reverse Prefix of Word

DAY 108(2 MAY) : Largest Positive Integer That Exists With Its Negative

DAY 109(3 MAY) : Compare Version Numbers

DAY 110(4 MAY) : Boats to Save People

DAY 111(5 MAY) : Delete Node in a Linked List

DAY 112(6 MAY) : Remove Nodes From Linked List

DAY 113(7 MAY) : Double a Number Represented as a Linked List

DAY 114(8 MAY) : Relative Ranks

DAY 115(9 MAY) : Maximize Happiness of Selected Children

DAY 116(10 MAY) : K-th Smallest Prime Fraction

DAY 117(11 MAY) : Minimum Cost to Hire K Workers

DAY 118(12 MAY) : Largest Local Values in a Matrix

DAY 119(13 MAY) : Score After Flipping Matrix

DAY 120(14 MAY) : Path with Maximum Gold

DAY 121(15 MAY) : Find the Safest Path in a Grid

DAY 122(16 MAY) : Evaluate Boolean Binary Tree

DAY 123(17 MAY) : Delete Leaves With a Given Value

DAY 124(18 MAY) : Distribute Coins in Binary Tree

DAY 125(19 MAY) : Find the Maximum Sum of Node Values

DAY 126(20 MAY) : Sum of All Subset XOR Totals

DAY 127(21 MAY) : Subsets

DAY 128(22 MAY) : Palindrome Partitioning

DAY 129(23 MAY) : The Number of Beautiful Subsets

DAY 130(24 MAY) : Maximum Score Words Formed by Letters

DAY 131(25 MAY) : Word Break II

DAY 132(26 MAY) : Student Attendance Record II

DAY 133(27 MAY) : Special Array With X Elements Greater Than or Equal X

DAY 134(28 MAY) : Get Equal Substrings Within Budget

DAY 135(29 MAY) : Number of Steps to Reduce a Number in Binary Representation to One

DAY 136(30 MAY) : Count Triplets That Can Form Two Arrays of Equal XOR

DAY 137(31 MAY) : Single Number III

DAY 138(1 JUN) : Score of a String

DAY 139(2 JUN) : Reverse String

DAY 140(3 JUN) : Append Characters to String to Make Subsequence

DAY 141(4 JUN) : Longest Palindrome

DAY 142(5 JUN) : Find Common Characters

DAY 143(6 JUN) : Hand of Straights

DAY 144(7 JUN) : Replace Words

DAY 145(8 JUN) : Continuous Subarray Sum

DAY 146(9 JUN) : Subarray Sums Divisible by K

DAY 147(10 JUN) : Height Checker

DAY 148(11 JUN) : Relative Sort Array

DAY 149(12 JUN) : Sort Colors

DAY 150(13 JUN) : Minimum Number of Moves to Seat Everyone

DAY 151(14 JUN) : Minimum Increment to Make Array Unique

DAY 152(15 JUN) : IPO

DAY 153(16 JUN) : Patching Array

DAY 154(18 JUN) : Most Profit Assigning Work

DAY 155(19 JUN) : Minimum Number of Days to Make m Bouquets

DAY 156(20 JUN) : Magnetic Force Between Two Balls

DAY 157(21 JUN) : Grumpy Bookstore Owner

DAY 158(22 JUN) : Count Number of Nice Subarrays

DAY 159(23 JUN) : Longest Continuous Subarray With Absolute Diff Less Than or Equal to Limit

DAY 160(24 JUN) : Minimum Number of K Consecutive Bit Flips

DAY 161(25 JUN) : Binary Search Tree to Greater Sum Tree

DAY 162(26 JUN) : Balance a Binary Search Tree

DAY 163(27 JUN) : Find Center of Star Graph

DAY 164(28 JUN) : Maximum Total Importance of Roads

DAY 165(1 JUL) : Three Consecutive Odds

DAY 166(2 JUL) : Intersection of Two Arrays II

DAY 167(3 JUL) : Minimum Difference Between Largest and Smallest Value in Three Moves

DAY 168(4 JUL) : Merge Nodes in Between Zeros

DAY 169(5 JUL) : Find the Minimum and Maximum Number of Nodes Between Critical Points

DAY 170(6 JUL) : Pass the Pillow


Here are the solutions of Leetcode DAILY & other problem solutions








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