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Aqua Security is the home of Trivy

Trivy, the industry's leading open source security scanner is proudly maintained by Aqua Security.
If you liked Trivy, you will love Aqua which builds on top of Trivy to provide even more enhanced capabilities for a complete security management offering.
In this page you can find a high level comparison table specific to Trivy users. In addition check out the website for more information about our products and services. If you'd like to contact Aqua or request a demo, please use this form:

User experience

Feature Trivy OSS Aqua
Interface CLI tool CLI tool
Enterprise-grade web application
SaaS or on-prem
Search & Discover - Easily search for security issues across all workloads and infrastructure in your organization
Visually discover risks across your organization
User management - Multi account
Granular permissions (RBAC)
Single Sign On (SSO)
Support Some skills required for setup and integration
Best effort community support
Personal onboarding by Aqua Customer Success
SLA backed professional support
Scalability & Availability Single scan at a time Centralized scanning service supports concurrent scans efficiently
Highly available production grade architecture

Vulnerability scanning

Feature Trivy OSS Aqua
Vulnerabilities sources Based on open source vulnerability feeds Based on open source and commercial vulnerability feeds
New Vulnerabilities SLA No SLA Commercial level SLA
Package managers Find packages in lock files Find packages in lock files or installed packages on disk
Vulnerability management Manually ignore specific vulnerabilities by ID or property Advanced vulnerability management solution
Vulnerability tracking and suppression
Incident lifecycle management
Vulnerability prioritization Manually triage by severity Multiple prioritization tools:
Accessibility of the affected resources
Exploitability of the vulnerability
Open Source packages health and trustworthiness score
Affected image layers
Reachability analisys - Analyze source code to eliminate vulnerabilities of unused dependencies
Contextual vulnerabilities - Reduce irrelevant vulnerabilities based on environmental factors (e.g. Spring4Shell not relevant due to JDK version)
Compiled binaries Find embedded dependencies in Go and Rust binaries
Find SBOM by hash in public Sigstore
In addition, identifies popular applications by huristics

Container scanning

Feature Trivy OSS Aqua
Windows containers - Support scanning windows containers
Scan container registries - Connect to any container registries and automatically scan it
Private registries Standard registry authenticationCloud authentication with ECR, GCR, ACR Supports different registry specific authentication schemes
Layer cache Local cache directory Scalable Cloud cache

Advanced scanning

Feature Trivy OSS Aqua
Malware scanning - Scan container images for malware
Sandbox scanning - Use DTA (Dynamic threat analysis) to run and test container images' behavior to detect sophisticated threats
SAST (code scanning) - Analyze source code for security issues and vulnerabilities

Policy and enforcement

Feature Trivy OSS Aqua
Kubernetes admission - Validating Kubernetes Admission based on automatic or user defined policy
Container engine - Block incompliant images from running at container engine level
Block vulnerable packages - vShield – monitor and block usage of vulnerable packages

Secrets scanning

Feature Trivy OSS Aqua
Detected patterns Basic patterns Advanced patterns
Leaked secrets validation - Automatically checks if leaked secrets are valid and usable

IaC/CSPM scanning

Feature Trivy OSS Aqua
Infrastructure as Code (IaC) Many popular languages as detailed here Same as Trivy
Checks customization Create custom checks with Rego Create custom checks in no-code interface
Customize existing checks with organizational preferences
Cloud scanning AWS, Azure, GCP AWS, Azure, GCP, Alibaba Cloud, Oracle Cloud
Compliance frameworks CIS, vendor guides More than 25 compliance programs
Custom compliance Manually in text file Create your own compliance program through a web application
Remediation advice Basic AI powered specialized remediation guides

Kubernetes scanning

Feature Trivy OSS Aqua
User experience - trigger scan CLI
Automated with Kubernetes Operator
Automated with Kubernetes Operator
Advanced UI web application
User experience - consume results kubectl/CRD
Prometheus exporter
Advanced UI dashboards
Automatic notifications and incident management
Cluster discovery Kubectl/Kubeconfig Automatic discovery thorough cloud
Workload image scanning Scanning in cluster, requires capacity planning Scanning offloaded to Aqua service, little impact on scanned clusters
Cluster scanning CIS, NSA, PSS More than 25 compliance programs
Scope Single cluster Multi cluster, Cloud relationship
Scalability Reports limited by in-cluster storage (size and number of reports) Cloud-based storage (unlimited scalability)