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File metadata and controls

92 lines (67 loc) · 2.92 KB


Exceptions let you specify cases where you allow policy violations. Trivy supports two types of exceptions.

!!! info Exceptions can be applied to built-in checks as well as custom checks.

Namespace-based exceptions

There are some cases where you need to disable built-in checks partially or fully. Namespace-based exceptions lets you rough choose which individual packages to exempt.

To use namespace-based exceptions, create a Rego rule with the name exception that returns the package names to exempt. The exception rule must be defined under namespace.exceptions. data.namespaces includes all package names.

!!! example ``` rego package namespace.exceptions

import data.namespaces
exception[ns] {
    ns := data.namespaces[_]
    startswith(ns, "builtin.kubernetes")

This example exempts all built-in checks for Kubernetes.

Rule-based exceptions

There are some cases where you need more flexibility and granularity in defining which cases to exempt. Rule-based exceptions lets you granularly choose which individual rules to exempt, while also declaring under which conditions to exempt them.

To use rule-based exceptions, create a Rego rule with the name exception that returns the rule name suffixes to exempt, prefixed by deny_ (for example, returning foo will exempt deny_foo). The rule can make any other assertion, for example, on the input or data documents. This is useful to specify the exemption for a specific case.

Note that if you specify the empty string, the exception will match all rules named deny.

exception[rules] {
    # Logic

    rules = ["foo","bar"]

The above would provide an exception from deny_foo and deny_bar.

!!! example ``` package user.kubernetes.ID100

__rego_metadata := {
    "id": "ID100",
    "title": "Deployment not allowed",
    "severity": "HIGH",
    "type": "Kubernetes Custom Check",

deny_deployment[msg] {
    input.kind == "Deployment"
	msg = sprintf("Found deployment '%s' but deployments are not allowed", [name])

exception[rules] {
    input.kind == "Deployment" == "allow-deployment"
    rules := ["deployment"]

If you want to apply rule-based exceptions to built-in checks, you have to define the exception under the same package.

!!! example ``` rego package builtin.kubernetes.KSV012

exception[rules] { == "can-run-as-root"
    rules := [""]

This exception is applied to KSV012 in trivy-checks. You can get the package names in the trivy-checks repository or the JSON output from Trivy.