Note: This is the legacy verion of the tool and as such, must be treated as deprecated. The new version can be found here
Command-line life tracker.
Hranoprovod is command line tracking tool. It supports recipies, which makes it perfect for tracking calories and other nutionin data.
First make sure you have go (golang) installed.
Download the source code.
git clone git://
cd hranoprovod-go
go build
Hranoprovod uses two files.
- database file (default: food.yaml) contains the recipies for the tracked items:
The file format is:
ingredient1[:] quantity
ingredient2[:] quantity
[:] are optional (I use them for yaml highlight support)
calories: 265
fat: 13
carb: 37
protein: 2
pie/apple/100g: 1.55
- log file (default: log.yaml) contains the daily log:
The file format is:
element_name1/measure_name[:] quantity
element_name2/measure_name[:] quantity
[:] are optional (I use them for yaml highlight support)
Note: The date format is (YYYY/MM/DD)
walking/slow/km: 5
egg/boiled/pcs: 3
brad/slice: 1
-d="food.yaml": Specifies the database file name
-f="log.yaml": Specifies log file name
-b="": Beginning of date interval (YYYY/MM/DD)
-e="": Ending of date interval (YYYY/MM/DD)
-single="": Show only single element
-food="": Shows single food
-total=true: Shows totals for each day
-unresolved=false: Shows unresolved elements
-csv=false: Shows data in CSV format (works only with --single)
-help=false: Shows this message
-version=false: Shows version
0.1.2 (2013-07-11) Added comments support in data files; To addd a comment start the line with # (pound sign)
0.1.1 - First stable version