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move forward kernels in elastic.c into separate functions so that the… #50

move forward kernels in elastic.c into separate functions so that the…

move forward kernels in elastic.c into separate functions so that the… #50

Workflow file for this run

name: Build and test
on: push
# Linux-build:
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# container:
# steps:
# - name: Checkout
# uses: actions/checkout@v3
# - name: Install NVCC
# run: |
# yum-config-manager --add-repo
# yum install -y cuda-nvcc-11-1-11.1.105-1 cuda-cudart-devel-11-1-11.1.74-1
# - name: Compile
# run: |
# PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/cuda-11.1/bin
# CUDA_HOME=/usr/local/cuda-11.1
# CUDA_ROOT=/usr/local/cuda-11.1
# CUDA_PATH=/usr/local/cuda-11.1
# CUDADIR=/usr/local/cuda-11.1
# LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/cuda-11.1/lib64
# cd src/deepwave
# cp /lib64/ .
# ./
# - name: Archive built libraries
# uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
# with:
# name: linux_libraries
# path: src/deepwave/*.so*
runs-on: macos-11
- name: Nuget
run: |
nuget install intelopenmp.devel.osx -DirectDownload -NonInteractive
cp intelopenmp.devel.osx*/lib/native/osx-x64/libiomp5.dylib .
# - name: Checkout
# uses: actions/checkout@v3
# - name: Set up Python
# uses: actions/setup-python@v3
# - name: Install dependencies
# run: |
# nuget install intelopenmp.devel.osx -DirectDownload -NonInteractive
# #ls -R
# #python -m pip install torch
# - name: Compile
# run: |
# cd src/deepwave
# #cp `python -c "import torch; print(torch.__path__[0])"`/lib/libiomp5.dylib .
# mv intelopenmp.devel.osx*/lib/native/osx-x64/libiomp5.dylib .
# brew install libomp
# ./
# cd ../../
# python -m pip install --upgrade pip
# python -m pip install pytest scipy
# python -m pip install .
# - name: Test with pytest
# run: |
# #pytest -s
# cd tests
# PYTHONVERBOSE=3 python -c "import test_elastic; test_wavefield_decays()"
# - name: Archive built libraries
# uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
# with:
# name: macos_libraries
# path: src/deepwave/*.dylib
# Windows-build:
# runs-on: windows-2019
# defaults:
# run:
# shell: bash
# steps:
# - name: Checkout
# uses: actions/checkout@v3
# - name: Set up Python
# uses: actions/setup-python@v3
# - name: Install NVCC
# run: |
# curl -o cuda_11.1.1_win10_network.exe
# chmod +x ./cuda_11.1.1_win10_network.exe
# ./cuda_11.1.1_win10_network.exe -s nvcc_11.1 cudart_11.1
# echo "CUDA_PATH=C:\\Program Files\\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\\CUDA\\v11.1" >> $GITHUB_ENV
# echo "C:\\Program Files\\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\\CUDA\\v11.1\\bin" >> $GITHUB_PATH
# - name: Setup MSVC
# uses: ilammy/msvc-dev-cmd@v1
# - name: Compile
# run: |
# cd src/deepwave
# nuget install -DirectDownload -NonInteractive
# nuget install -DirectDownload -NonInteractive
# mv*/lib/native/win-x64/libiomp5md.lib .
# mv*/runtimes/win-x86/native/libiomp5md.dll .
# ./
# - name: Archive built libraries
# uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
# with:
# name: windows_libraries
# path: src/deepwave/*.dll
# Test:
# strategy:
# matrix:
# os: [ubuntu-latest, macos-latest, windows-latest]
# fail-fast: false
# runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
# needs: [Linux-build, MacOS-build, Windows-build]
# steps:
# - name: Checkout
# uses: actions/checkout@v3
# - name: Download built Linux libraries
# uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
# with:
# name: linux_libraries
# path: src/deepwave/
# - name: Download built MacOS libraries
# uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
# with:
# name: macos_libraries
# path: src/deepwave/
# - name: Download built Windows libraries
# uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
# with:
# name: windows_libraries
# path: src/deepwave/
# - name: Set up Python
# uses: actions/setup-python@v3
# - name: Install dependencies
# run: |
# python -m pip install --upgrade pip
# python -m pip install pytest scipy
# python -m pip install .
# - name: Test with pytest
# run: |