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This pre-commit hook lets you:

  1. Store notebook reports into markdown (default), html, and pdf format.
  2. Clear outputs and delete empty cells from notebooks.

This helps to remove notebook outputs from git repository while saving the output into accessible formats as reports.

You can find report examples of the sample notebook in reports folder.


To export pdf reports Pandoc and TeX must be installed on your system.


Add this to your .pre-commit-config.yaml.

-   repo:
    rev: "0.0.3"
    -   id: convert-notebooks
        args: [--format=markdown, --output-dir=reports]
    -   id: clear-notebook-outputs

convert-notebooks must be put before clear-notebook-outputs.

Available format options are markdown (default), html and optionally pdf. Set --output-dir otherwise reports will generate in the same place as your notebooks. Optionally add output-dir to your .gitignore.

Dont forget to run pre-commit install.


  1. You can add a local pre-commit hook to clear outputs using nbconvert equivalent to command jupyter nbconvert --clear-output. The only problem is that this doesn't remove empty cells. For some reason --RegexRemovePreprocessor.patterns="['\s*\Z']" doesn't work in CLI when you export to notebook.
  2. You can add a local pre-commit hook to convert notebooks to other formats using nbconvert equivalent to jupyter nbconvert --to html .... The problem is using it while clearing output in pre-commit leads to overriding reports with empty notebook reports. The workaround used here is to override reports only if the notebook is not cleared.

More detailed explanation here.