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CalculateSafetyMeasures Module

June 02, 1992

A comprehensive analysis of transport futures might include direct impacts of travel decisions and transport system impacts, to include fuel consumption and carbon footprints. The measures have been key VisionEval performance measures from its outset. However, many analysts seek to include potential safety measures in their analyses, especially when comparing the status quo to lower auto ownership scenarios. Compiling safety impacts currently requires post-processing VisionEval results and advanced R programming skills:

  • Crash rates per exposure level (e.g., million miles of travel) and associated morbidity and mortality rates and their economic (social) costs must be established
  • The crash (incident) frequencies are summarized by vehicle type, and possibly age group, for the study area
  • The economic impacts are calculated based upon exogenously specified rates and their associated costs. The user can create these summaries in a spreadsheet or with custom R code.

This module aims to calculate safety measures for the model area. It uses the fatality and injury rates for different modes. All these rates are per miles traveled. Therefore this module simply uses calculated VMT from model to estimate the fatality and injury rates for Mrea

Model Parameter Estimation

This module has no estimated parameters.

How the Module Works

This module uses fatality and injury rates for crashes per miles traveled . There are various datasets which can be a source for crash rates. See National Transportation Statistics , NHTSA crash data and Fatality Analysis Reporting System for more information.

This module calculates following metrics:

    • Auto yearly fataility and injuries for Urban, Rural and Town areas.
    • Bike yearly fataility and injuries for Marea
    • Walk yearly fataility and injuries for Marea
    • Bus yearly fataility and injuries for Marea
    • Rail yearly fataility and injuries for Marea
    • Van yearly fataility and injuries for Marea

User Inputs

The following table(s) document each input file that must be provided in order for the module to run correctly. User input files are comma-separated valued (csv) formatted text files. Each row in the table(s) describes a field (column) in the input file. The table names and their meanings are as follows:

NAME - The field (column) name in the input file. Note that if the 'TYPE' is 'currency' the field name must be followed by a period and the year that the currency is denominated in. For example if the NAME is 'HHIncomePC' (household per capita income) and the input values are in 2010 dollars, the field name in the file must be 'HHIncomePC.2010'. The framework uses the embedded date information to convert the currency into base year currency amounts. The user may also embed a magnitude indicator if inputs are in thousand, millions, etc. The VisionEval model system design and users guide should be consulted on how to do that.

TYPE - The data type. The framework uses the type to check units and inputs. The user can generally ignore this, but it is important to know whether the 'TYPE' is 'currency'

UNITS - The units that input values need to represent. Some data types have defined units that are represented as abbreviations or combinations of abbreviations. For example 'MI/HR' means miles per hour. Many of these abbreviations are self evident, but the VisionEval model system design and users guide should be consulted.

PROHIBIT - Values that are prohibited. Values may not meet any of the listed conditions.

ISELEMENTOF - Categorical values that are permitted. Value must be one of the listed values.

UNLIKELY - Values that are unlikely. Values that meet any of the listed conditions are permitted but a warning message will be given when the input data are processed.

DESCRIPTION - A description of the data.


Geo Mareas Must contain a record for each Marea and model run year.
Year Must contain a record for each Marea and model run year.
AutoFatal compound CRASH/MI < 0 Number of fatal auto crashes per 100 millions of mile traveled
AutoInjur compound CRASH/MI < 0 Number of injury auto crashes per 100 millions of mile traveled
BikeFatal compound CRASH/MI < 0 Number of fatal bike crashes per 100 millions of mile traveled
BikeInjur compound CRASH/MI < 0 Number of injury bike crashes per 100 millions of mile traveled
WalkFatal compound CRASH/MI < 0 Number of fatal walk crashes per 100 millions of mile traveled
WalkInjur compound CRASH/MI < 0 Number of injuy walk crashes per 100 millions of mile traveled
BusFatal compound CRASH/MI < 0 Number of fatal bus crashes per 1 millions of mile traveled
BusInjur compound CRASH/MI < 0 Number of injury bus crashes per 1 millions of mile traveled
RailFatal compound CRASH/MI < 0 Number of fatal rail crashes per 1 millions of mile traveled
RailInjur compound CRASH/MI < 0 Number of injury rail crashes per 1 millions of mile traveled

Datasets Used by the Module

The following table documents each dataset that is retrieved from the datastore and used by the module. Each row in the table describes a dataset. All the datasets must be present in the datastore. One or more of these datasets may be entered into the datastore from the user input files. The table names and their meanings are as follows:

NAME - The dataset name.

TABLE - The table in the datastore that the data is retrieved from.

GROUP - The group in the datastore where the table is located. Note that the datastore has a group named 'Global' and groups for every model run year. For example, if the model run years are 2010 and 2050, then the datastore will have a group named '2010' and a group named '2050'. If the value for 'GROUP' is 'Year', then the dataset will exist in each model run year group. If the value for 'GROUP' is 'BaseYear' then the dataset will only exist in the base year group (e.g. '2010'). If the value for 'GROUP' is 'Global' then the dataset will only exist in the 'Global' group.

TYPE - The data type. The framework uses the type to check units and inputs. Refer to the model system design and users guide for information on allowed types.

UNITS - The units that input values need to represent. Some data types have defined units that are represented as abbreviations or combinations of abbreviations. For example 'MI/HR' means miles per hour. Many of these abbreviations are self evident, but the VisionEval model system design and users guide should be consulted.

PROHIBIT - Values that are prohibited. Values in the datastore do not meet any of the listed conditions.

ISELEMENTOF - Categorical values that are permitted. Values in the datastore are one or more of the listed values.

Marea Marea Year character ID
VanDvmt Marea Year compound MI/DAY NA, < 0
BusDvmt Marea Year compound MI/DAY NA, < 0
RailDvmt Marea Year compound MI/DAY NA, < 0
UrbanHhDvmt Marea Year compound MI/DAY NA, < 0
RuralHhDvmt Marea Year compound MI/DAY NA, < 0
TownHhDvmt Marea Year compound MI/DAY NA, < 0
AutoFatal Marea Year compound CRASH/MI NA, < 0
AutoInjur Marea Year compound CRASH/MI NA, < 0
BikeFatal Marea Year compound CRASH/MI NA, < 0
BikeInjur Marea Year compound CRASH/MI NA, < 0
WalkFatal Marea Year compound CRASH/MI NA, < 0
WalkInjur Marea Year compound CRASH/MI NA, < 0
BusFatal Marea Year compound CRASH/MI NA, < 0
BusInjur Marea Year compound CRASH/MI NA, < 0
RailFatal Marea Year compound CRASH/MI NA, < 0
RailInjur Marea Year compound CRASH/MI NA, < 0
Marea Household Year character ID
LocType Household Year character category NA Urban, Town, Rural
Dvmt Household Year compound MI/DAY NA, < 0
WalkTrips Household Year compound TRIP/DAY NA, < 0
BikeTrips Household Year compound TRIP/DAY NA, < 0
TransitTrips Household Year compound TRIP/DAY NA, < 0
WalkAvgTripDist Household Year double MI NA, < 0
BikeAvgTripDist Household Year double MI NA, < 0
TransitAvgTripDist Household Year double MI NA, < 0

Datasets Produced by the Module

The following table documents each dataset that is retrieved from the datastore and used by the module. Each row in the table describes a dataset. All the datasets must be present in the datastore. One or more of these datasets may be entered into the datastore from the user input files. The table names and their meanings are as follows:

NAME - The dataset name.

TABLE - The table in the datastore that the data is retrieved from.

GROUP - The group in the datastore where the table is located. Note that the datastore has a group named 'Global' and groups for every model run year. For example, if the model run years are 2010 and 2050, then the datastore will have a group named '2010' and a group named '2050'. If the value for 'GROUP' is 'Year', then the dataset will exist in each model run year. If the value for 'GROUP' is 'BaseYear' then the dataset will only exist in the base year group (e.g. '2010'). If the value for 'GROUP' is 'Global' then the dataset will only exist in the 'Global' group.

TYPE - The data type. The framework uses the type to check units and inputs. Refer to the model system design and users guide for information on allowed types.

UNITS - The units that input values need to represent. Some data types have defined units that are represented as abbreviations or combinations of abbreviations. For example 'MI/HR' means miles per hour. Many of these abbreviations are self evident, but the VisionEval model system design and users guide should be consulted.

PROHIBIT - Values that are prohibited. Values in the datastore do not meet any of the listed conditions.

ISELEMENTOF - Categorical values that are permitted. Values in the datastore are one or more of the listed values.

DESCRIPTION - A description of the data.

AutoFatalCrashRural Marea Year double CRASH < 0 Number of yearly atuo fatal crashes in Rural area.
AutoFatalCrashUrban Marea Year double CRASH < 0 Number of yearly auto injury crashes in Rural area
AutoFatalCrashTown Marea Year double CRASH < 0 Number of yearly atuo fatal crashes in Urban area.
AutoInjuryCrashRural Marea Year double CRASH < 0 Number of yearly auto injury crashes in Urabn area
AutoInjuryCrashUrban Marea Year double CRASH < 0 Number of yearly atuo fatal crashes in Town area.
AutoInjuryCrashTown Marea Year double CRASH < 0 Number of yearly auto injury crashes in Town area
WalkFatalCrash Marea Year double CRASH < 0 Number of yearly walk fatal crashes in Marea.
WalkInjuryCrash Marea Year double CRASH < 0 Number of yearly walk injury crashes in Marea.
BikeFatalCrash Marea Year double CRASH < 0 Number of yearly bike fatal crashes in Marea.
BikeInjuryCrash Marea Year double CRASH < 0 Number of yearly bike injury crashes in Marea.
BusFatalCrash Marea Year double CRASH < 0 Number of yearly bus fatal crashes in Marea.
BusInjuryCrash Marea Year double CRASH < 0 Number of yearly bus injury crashes in Marea.
RailFatalCrash Marea Year double CRASH < 0 Number of yearly rail fatal crashes in Marea.
RailInjuryCrash Marea Year double CRASH < 0 Number of yearly rail injury crashes in Marea.
VanFatalCrash Marea Year double CRASH < 0 Number of yearly van fatal crashes in Marea.
VanInjuryCrash Marea Year double CRASH < 0 Number of yearly van injury crashes in Marea.