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Get Started

Arash edited this page Jul 23, 2022 · 2 revisions

QMean settings gives you the ability to control the behavior of the suggestion engine. To begin using QMean, you only need to define which field will trigger the suggestions.

Activate search field.

There are 3 ways to set your search field:

#1: Search Input Selector

In the settings page there is an option Search Input Selector which gets the CSS selector of the search trigger field. This field will show the suggestions by typing 3 letters. You can Use CSS selector in full. e.g. .selector-class OR #selector-id OR input[name="s"]. This is THE BEST & EASIEST WAY to hook QMean to any field you already have on your theme!

Note: You can use multiple CSS selectors, separated with commas. .a, .b, #c, .d.f > input

Note: To find the selector, on Chrome or Firefox, right click on your search input field, then click Inspect Element, then you will see the class or the id value for the field. If id exists choose it, if not you need to use CSS.

#2: QMean auto selector recognizer tool

In the settings page there is a button Use QMean's auto recognizer on front-end. This tool will activate itself on front-end so you can click on the field you want and it gets the CSS selector automatically.

NOTE: Just add ?qmean_field_recognizer at the end of any URL to activate recognizer and if the URL already has ? then add &qmean_field_recognizer e.g. or

#3: Use the shortcode

QMean has 2 shortcodes that you can use. Read more about it on Shortcodes