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Volodymyr Afanasiev edited this page Oct 11, 2022 · 12 revisions

Welcome to the Aras Innovator Method Plugin wiki!

Aras Innovator Method Plugin provides an easy way to create and modify Aras Innovator server-side methods. Method code can be open or saved directly from/to an instance of Aras Innovator or from/to a local AML package. Aras Innovator Method Plugin for Visual Studio has also additional capabilities like creating a new package directly in Aras Innovator prior to saving the method in it; etc. The Plugin provides an extension for Visual Studio with all operations and project templates for different releases of Aras Innovator starting with Aras Innovator 12 SP2. Aras Corporation provides this plugin as is and will not provide any support or other related services related to this plugin.

Aras Innovator Method Plugin works with Visual Studio 2019, 2022.


  • Create new method
  • Open method from Aras Innovator
  • Open method from AML package
  • Save method to Aras Innovator
  • Save method to AML package
  • Partial class generation
  • External class generation
  • Debug server method
  • "Open in Visual Studio" action inside Aras Innovator

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