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Vibes live

Vibes is a full stack music management application inspired by SoundCloud. It uses React.js with a Redux architecture on the frontend and Ruby on Rails in conjunction with a PostgreSQL database on the backend.


Features & Implementation

Music Management and Personalization

Users can upload song files and an associated image to Vibes. In the backend, song and image files are stored using Amazon Web Service's cloud service. The paperclip gem takes care of redirecting file uploads to Amazon S3.

Users can also create custom profiles with images and descriptions that will allow others in the community to see, play, and like their songs. Each user also has their own "Likes" playlist, which houses all of the songs that he or she has liked.

In config/application.rb, I specified the AWS keys and bucket for paperclip so that it can redirect storage of multimedia files to the appropriate location in the cloud:

config.paperclip_defaults = {
  :s3_host_name => "s3-#{ENV["s3_region"]}",
  :storage => :s3,
  :s3_credentials => {
    :bucket => ENV["s3_bucket"],
    :access_key_id => ENV["s3_access_key_id"],
    :secret_access_key => ENV["s3_secret_access_key"],
    :s3_region => ENV["s3_region"]

In my SongIndex React component, I initialize a local state with 2 keys: filteredSongs and type. I populate filteredSongs with the appropriate tracks depending on whether the user wishes to see all songs, liked songs, or songs that match their search query. I toggle the type key between the values all, liked, and search so that I know the appropriate header to display.

this.state = {
  filteredSongs: [],
  type: "all"

The following is the code I use to select only the logged in user's liked songs from the total list of songs. I pull likedIds for the current user from the database.

const filteredSongs = this.props.songs.filter(song => {
  return likedIds.includes(;

Audio Persistence

If a user clicks play on a song, an audio bar will appear at the bottom that will then persist throughout the user's time at the website.

The following is the state shape of the songs reducer. The audio bar component watches currentSong to know when to render:

const initialState = {
  entities: {},
  currentSong: undefined

If currentSong exists, then the audio bar component will render. If not, an empty span will render:

if (this.props.currentSong) {
  return this.renderAudioPlayer();
else {
  return (<span></span>);

Search Functionality

There is a search bar available on the navigation menu, which persists throughout the website. This way, users can quickly find songs they are looking for. The results are dynamically filtered after each keystroke. If the bar is cleared, the user will be returned to the page they started searching from.

I use the same aforementioned local state in the SongIndex component to set the filteredSongs array. I simply use the includes function to filter the list of songs by the query:

const filteredSongs = this.props.songs.filter(song => {
  return (
    song.title.toLowerCase().includes(this.props.query) ||

If the user clears the search bar after it having been populated a keystroke prior, then the user will be taken back to their starting page:

if (nextProps.query === "" && this.props.query !== "") {

Future Directions for the Project

In addition to the features that have been implemented, I plan to add more features in the future. The following 2 features are next steps for Vibes:

Upcoming Shows

It would be nice to be able to see a list of upcoming shows near the user that are put on by artists that they have liked. I plan to use the user's device's current coordinates and the Google Maps API to implement this.


Currently, there is a single playlist: songs that the user has liked. I plan to allow users to create playlists and separate their liked songs into different buckets for better management.


Full stack music management application






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