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Repository files navigation

Initial steps:

In order to use the Router, 
you must first register the RouterModule from the @angular/router package. 
Define an array of appRoutes, and pass them to the RouterModule.forRoot() method.


there are two main properties:

a) path
b) component

Wildcard route

- To handle invalid routes
    `{path: '**', Component: 'PageNotFoundComponent}`

Default route

- The solution is to add a `redirectTo` route that translates the initial relative URL ('') to the desired default path.
- A redirect route requires a pathMatch property


The <router-outlet> where router displays views.
 - Multiple router outlets can be used.


- The routerLink is what turns user clicks into router navigations. 

- The RouterLinkActive directive toggles css classes for active RouterLink 
bindings based on the current RouterState. - it accepts space-delimited string of CSS classes

- [routerLinkActiveOptions] input binding with the { exact: true } expression. By using { exact: true }, 
a given RouterLink will only be active if its URL is an exact match to the current URL instead of making all `parent-child` active.
- router.navigate for manual routing (similar to $state.go)

data object in router:

- Only the relevant component can get its data object from 'ActivatedRoute`.


- The route path and parameters are available through an injected router service called the ActivatedRoute.

Router Events

There are Router events we can listen to. (`NavigationStart`) is an example. we can import the event from router package,
subscribe to and filter based on the event instance that we interested in.

``` => {
    if (e instanceof NavigationStart) {
        ... // e => { id, url}

Route guards

- To control access to current path and its children
- To resolve data

1) `CanActivate`: we can have permission check here.
2) `CanActivateChild`: check to enable child routes
3) `CanDeactivate` - to stop user from moving away from the route
4) `Resolve`: pre-fetching component data
  - resolver's result will be available in

Best practices:

-  AppRoutingModule
    - configure the router in a separate, top-level module that is dedicated to routing and imported by the root AppModule.  - `RouterModule.forRoot`
      - Only register top-level routes here,
- Module-level Routes
  - imported in module files.
  - modules should have their own routing configuration - `RouterModule.forChild`
- Lazy loading routes using `loadChildren` prop
- Organize guards and resolvers.
  - module specific ones should reside inside module folders.