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* Java Bittorrent API *

Author: Baptiste Dubuis, Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, EPFL

Version: 1.0



   The Java Bittorrent API project aims at providing a simple and easy-to-use API
   for future work on Bittorrent protocol. It provides classes and methods that 
   permit to complete each step necessary to publish files and retrieve them 
   using the Bittorrent network.

   The goal is to provide any user the possibility to share files with other 
   people without having to bother too much.
   In this scope, this project propose a bittorrent tracker that can be run to 
   accept files for sharing. This tracker is part of the trackerBT package.

   Provided also is a bittorrent API that permit to publish files using 
   bittorrent protocol, as much as to download files from other people. This 
   API is part of the jBittorrentAPI package.

   - To publish files using bittorrent protocol, user have to follow these steps:
      - Create a new torrent file which will provide information about the 
        target files the user wants to publish and make available to others.
        This can be done by running the ExampleCreateTorrent program.
      - Publish this torrent file on a tracker so that other people can have 
        access to the desription of the target files and then be able to 
        download them. This is done by running the ExamplePublish program.
      - Share the local target files to permit people to download files from
        local directory. This is done by running the ExampleShareFiles program.

   - To download files from other people, user have to get the torrent file from 
     any tracker or web server and then run the ExampleDownloadFiles program.
   For further instruction on how to use either the trackerBT or jBittorrentAPI 
   packages, please read the corresponding README files:

   For convenience, an example is provided to demonstrate the use of these program
   step by step. Please read the README-example for further information.

   Java Bittorrent API is free software;
   you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
   (at your option) any later version.

   Java Bittorrent API is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with Java Bittorrent API; if not, write to the Free Software
   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA 

   To contact the author:

   - README : Information about this release
   - README-example : further instruction about how to run the examples provided
   - README-jBittorrentAPI : further instruction about how to compile and execute
                              the jBittorrentAPI package
   - README-trackerBT : further instruction about how to compile and run the 
                         trackerBT package
   - env.bat : Environment configuration script for MS-Windows systems
   -  : Environment configuration script for UNIX systems
   - jBittorrentAPI.jar : compressed classes of the jBittorrentAPI package
   - trackerBT.jar : compressed classes of the trackerBT package
   - build/ : classes for jBittorrentAPI and trackerBT pachages
   - documentation/ : documentation and javadoc of the jBittorrentAPI and trackerBT packages
   - example/ : files and directory needed to run the provided example step by step
   - ext/ : external libraries .jar files
   - src/ : source files for jBittorrentAPI and trackerBT packages
   - LICENSE : the license of this project
   - GNU_GPL : The GNU General Public License



Java API for BitTorrent







No releases published


