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jarrodek committed Mar 30, 2017
0 parents commit ae7f8fc
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Showing 54 changed files with 59,523 additions and 0 deletions.
21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions .editorconfig
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
# EditorConfig helps developers define and maintain consistent
# coding styles between different editors and IDEs

root = true


# Change these settings to your own preference
indent_style = space
indent_size = 2

# We recommend you to keep these unchanged
end_of_line = lf
charset = utf-8
trim_trailing_whitespace = true
insert_final_newline = true

trim_trailing_whitespace = false
18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions .gitattributes
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
# Auto detect text files and perform LF normalization

# Custom for Visual Studio
*.cs diff=csharp

# Standard to msysgit
*.doc diff=astextplain
*.DOC diff=astextplain
*.docx diff=astextplain
*.DOCX diff=astextplain
*.dot diff=astextplain
*.DOT diff=astextplain
*.pdf diff=astextplain
*.PDF diff=astextplain
*.rtf diff=astextplain
*.RTF diff=astextplain
*.js diff=astextplain
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
54 changes: 54 additions & 0 deletions .jsbeautifyrc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
// The plugin looks for a .jsbeautifyrc file in the same directory as the
// source file you're prettifying (or any directory above if it doesn't exist,
// or in your home folder if everything else fails) and uses those options
// along the default ones.

// Details:
// Documentation:
"html": {
"allowed_file_extensions": ["htm", "html", "xhtml", "shtml", "xml", "svg"],
"brace_style": "collapse", // [collapse|expand|end-expand|none] Put braces on the same line as control statements (default), or put braces on own line (Allman / ANSI style), or just put end braces on own line, or attempt to keep them where they are
"end_with_newline": false, // End output with newline
"indent_char": " ", // Indentation character
"indent_handlebars": false, // e.g. {{#foo}}, {{/foo}}
"indent_inner_html": false, // Indent <head> and <body> sections
"indent_scripts": "keep", // [keep|separate|normal]
"indent_size": 2, // Indentation size
"max_preserve_newlines": 0, // Maximum number of line breaks to be preserved in one chunk (0 disables)
"preserve_newlines": true, // Whether existing line breaks before elements should be preserved (only works before elements, not inside tags or for text)
"unformatted": ["a", "span", "img", "code", "pre", "sub", "sup", "em", "strong", "b", "i", "u", "strike", "big", "small", "pre", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6"], // List of tags that should not be reformatted
"wrap_line_length": 0 // Lines should wrap at next opportunity after this number of characters (0 disables)
"css": {
"allowed_file_extensions": ["css", "scss", "sass", "less"],
"end_with_newline": false, // End output with newline
"indent_char": " ", // Indentation character
"indent_size": 2, // Indentation size
"newline_between_rules": true, // Add a new line after every css rule
"selector_separator": " ",
"selector_separator_newline": true // Separate selectors with newline or not (e.g. "a,\nbr" or "a, br")
"js": {
"allowed_file_extensions": ["js", "json", "jshintrc", "jsbeautifyrc"],
"brace_style": "collapse", // [collapse|expand|end-expand|none] Put braces on the same line as control statements (default), or put braces on own line (Allman / ANSI style), or just put end braces on own line, or attempt to keep them where they are
"break_chained_methods": false, // Break chained method calls across subsequent lines
"e4x": false, // Pass E4X xml literals through untouched
"end_with_newline": false, // End output with newline
"indent_char": " ", // Indentation character
"indent_level": 0, // Initial indentation level
"indent_size": 2, // Indentation size
"indent_with_tabs": false, // Indent with tabs, overrides `indent_size` and `indent_char`
"jslint_happy": false, // If true, then jslint-stricter mode is enforced
"keep_array_indentation": false, // Preserve array indentation
"keep_function_indentation": false, // Preserve function indentation
"max_preserve_newlines": 0, // Maximum number of line breaks to be preserved in one chunk (0 disables)
"preserve_newlines": true, // Whether existing line breaks should be preserved
"space_after_anon_function": false, // Should the space before an anonymous function's parens be added, "function()" vs "function ()"
"space_before_conditional": true, // Should the space before conditional statement be added, "if(true)" vs "if (true)"
"space_in_empty_paren": false, // Add padding spaces within empty paren, "f()" vs "f( )"
"space_in_paren": false, // Add padding spaces within paren, ie. f( a, b )
"unescape_strings": false, // Should printable characters in strings encoded in \xNN notation be unescaped, "example" vs "\x65\x78\x61\x6d\x70\x6c\x65"
"wrap_line_length": 0 // Lines should wrap at next opportunity after this number of characters (0 disables)
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions .jscsrc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
"preset": "google",
"disallowSpacesInAnonymousFunctionExpression": null,
"disallowTrailingWhitespace": null,
"maximumLineLength": 100,
"excludeFiles": ["node_modules/**"],
"jsDoc": {
"checkAnnotations": {
"preset": "jsdoc3",
"extra": {
"polymerBehavior": true
22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions .jshintrc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
"esnext": true,
"node": true,
"browser": true,
"bitwise": false,
"camelcase": false,
"curly": true,
"eqeqeq": true,
"immed": true,
"indent": 2,
"latedef": true,
"noarg": true,
"quotmark": "single",
"undef": true,
"unused": true,
"newcap": false,
"globals": {
"Polymer": true,
"fetch": true,
"Headers": true
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions .travis.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
language: node_js
sudo: required
dist: trusty
node_js: stable
- npm install --silent bower polymer-cli
- ./node_modules/.bin/bower install --silent
- npm run lint
- stage
- develop
- node tasks/ci.js
Empty file added
Empty file.
74 changes: 74 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
# Guide for Contributors

The Advanced REST client is open and we encourage the community to contribute in the project. However, it is very important to follow couple of simple rules when you create an issue report or send a pull request.

## Issue reporting
**If this is feature request**, please provide a clear description of the feature. I've created a [document][87714bdc] that may help you fill up a feature request. But basically you should answer this questions:

- Who will benefit from this feature? _("Someone who is trying to...")_
- What's the use cases (when the feature will be used)? _("When the HTTP response is...")_
- What the user gain by having this feature? _("I should be able to see...")_

An overview of the feature would be nice as well.

**When you're filling a bug report**, please be as much specific as you can and:

- A clear description of the bug, logs if available and your expectations. You're welcome to use following template:
The send button causes the app to close itself.

## Expected outcome
The app is not closing itself when I try to send a request.

## Actual outcome
After click it is working for couple of second and the it closes itself.

# Versions
App: 1.2.3 (check it in app's about page)
Chrome: Stable (or) (check it in Chrome's about page)

# Steps to reproduce
1. Turn off CodeMirror
2. Set method to "PUT"
3. Use "raw" tab for both payload and headers
4. Paste following data into the headers field: ...
5. Paste following data into the payload field: ...
6. Run the request.

## Submitting Pull Requests
**While developing**, be sure that you follow the [design guidelines] for ARC.

**Before creating a pull request**, fill up `` file inside the elements folder. It is the best way of keeping track of change reasons. Try be very specific and put there only essential information about the changes.

Then a good idea is to test your code. See testing paragraph in the dev-start file. It will save all of us a lot of trouble.

Please ensure that an issue exists for the corresponding change in the pull request that you intend to make. **If an issue does not exist, please create one per the guidelines above**. The goal is to discuss the design and necessity of the proposed change with ARC authors and community before diving into a pull request.

When submitting pull requests, please provide:
1. **A reference to the corresponding issue** or issues that will be closed by the pull request. Please refer to these issues using the following syntax:

(For a single issue)
Fixes #20

(For multiple issues)
Fixes #32, #40
Github automatically close the issues after merging it to the master. So please, keep the format.

2. **A succinct description of the design** used to fix any related issues. For example:

This fixes #20 by removing styles that leaked which would cause the page to turn pink whenever `paper-foo` is clicked.

3. **At least one test for each bug fixed or feature added** as part of the pull request. Pull requests that fix bugs or add features without accompanying tests will not be considered.

If a proposed change contains multiple commits, please [squash commits]( to as few as is necessary to succinctly express the change.

_Part of this document has been copied from Polymer repository. Thanks guys!_

[87714bdc]: "Feature request file"
[Design guidelines]: <>

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