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Releases: arcanericky/ga-cmd


14 Apr 14:39
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Instead of downloading these binaries, you should be downloading the binaries for my TOTP project instead. It's more user friendly and there are executables for Windows, macOS (Darwin) and Linux.

See the The Better Alternative in the README for this project for more information

Go here for the TOTP project.

🎆 Enhancements

  • List keys by name (tags) with the --list and -l options.
  • Bash completion for tags

Listing the names of keys (tags) in the $HOME/.ga-cmd configuration file is now possible with the --list and -l options. For example:

$ ga-cmd --list

The new ability to list tags now gives the ability to perform Bash completions on the command line with the new Bash completion script. For example:

$ ga-cmd <tab><tab>
myfavesite myfinancialsite mysocialsite
$ ga-cmd myf<tab><tab>
myfavesite myfinancialsite

And using

$ ga-cmd mys<tab><tab>

will autocomplete to

$ ga-cmd mysocialsite

To enable Bash completion, before executing ga-cmd use


Or to enable Bash completion for all future terminals add the above to your .bashrc file.

🍻 Contributors


05 Apr 01:48
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After 6️⃣+ years since this repository was created I finally decided to attempt treating it as more than an experiment in bending code. This is the result of noticing users filing their own issues, pull requests, and forking the code to solve their own problems. I've worked through the issues and pull requests, fixing bugs and adding requested functionality. Formalizing the unit tests along with integrating Travis CI and Codecov will help me better handle incoming PRs and create releases. It's finally time for a version 1.0.0 release - warts and all.

Now it's possible to use ga-cmd without building it. Just hop on a Linux machine and

  • Download the released ga-cmd
  • Make it executable chmod 755 ga-cmd
  • Create and populate a $HOME/.ga-cmd file echo myfavesite=thisismyexamplekey > $HOME/.ga-cmd
  • Set the configuration file permissions chmod 600 $HOME/.ga-cmd
  • ...and execute ga-cmd myfavesite

This formal release contains several notable changes on top of the original and experimental project.

  • Building ga-cmd without an internal key
  • Multiple keys in the $HOME/.ga-cmd configuration file (#22)
  • Conversion to the Google Authenticator PAM Module (#21)
  • Key lengths of 16 to 64 characters (#21)
  • Length and content validation of the key (#22)
  • Version output for Releases and Issues ga-cmd version 1.0.0 (#25)
  • A proper open source license (#20)
  • A longstanding bug handling the U character in a key (#23)
  • Better test result output
  • Integration with Travis CI Build Status (#19)
  • Integration with Codecov codecov (#22)

See the README for more information.

If you find a 🐛, please file an issue. I welcome pull requests on these issues. Let me know what you're working on and make sure any new code contains unit tests.

In addition, there are many opportunities available in the code because I work on this with very little spare time. You're welcome to identify these, file an issue, and work on them.