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Add arch4edu to your Archlinux

Jingbei Li edited this page Sep 9, 2022 · 36 revisions
  1. Please select a mirror site of arch4edu from the mirrorlist.

  2. Import GPG key from GPG servers.

# pacman-key --recv-keys 7931B6D628C8D3BA
# pacman-key --finger 7931B6D628C8D3BA
# pacman-key --lsign-key 7931B6D628C8D3BA

Or import the key by installing the arch4edu-keyring package. Please make sure that the hashsum is correct.

$ curl -O
$ sha256sum arch4edu-keyring-20200805-1-any.pkg.tar.zst
a6abbb16e57bb9065689f5b5391c945e35e256f2e6dbfa11476fdfe880f72775  arch4edu-keyring-20200805-1-any.pkg.tar.zst
# pacman -U arch4edu-keyring-20200805-1-any.pkg.tar.zst
  1. Then add
Server = <the mirror site you choose>

to your /etc/pacman.conf.

  1. [Recommended] Please also install pkgstats to help us learn the trends of the packages we maintaining.
# pacman -S pkgstats