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Blazing fast 🚀 code completion in NeoVim powered by 🤖 GPT-3.5-Turbo


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Blazing fast 🚀 code completion in NeoVim!


It's suggested to use packer.nvim to manage NeoVim plugins:

use {
    requires = {
    config = function()
        require'genius'.setup {
            -- This plugin supports many backends, openai backend is the default:
            default_bot = 'openai',
            -- You may obtain an API key from OpenAI as long as you have an account:
            -- Either set the environment variable OPENAI_API_KEY in .bashrc, or set api_key option in the setup here:
            config_openai = {
                api_key = os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY"),
            -- Otherwise, you may run DeepSeek-Coder locally instead:
            -- default_bot = 'deepseek',
            -- See sections below for detailed instructions on setting up this model.


In insert mode, hold cursor for 2 seconds (can be changed in setup), and completion will shows up. Press <Tab> to accept the completion.

[TODO: image here]

The hold delay can be customized in the setup:

require"genius".setup {
    completion_delay_ms = 2000, -- microseconds before completion triggers, set this to -1 to disable and only allows manual trigger

If the completion didn't shows up in time or you've setup completion_delay_ms = -1, you may press <S-Tab> to manually trigger AI completion in insert mode.

Pressing <End> when cursor at the end of a line in insert mode triggers AI completion too.

Also, use :GeniusChat to enter free chat mode in a popup window.

This plugin mainly focus on code completion, so chat mode is still work in progress.

Tips & Tricks

When completion is visible. You may press:

  • <Tab> to accept the whole completion.
  • <Right> arrow to accept a single word.
  • <Left> arrow to revoke a single word.
  • <End> to accept a whole line.
  • <Home> to revoke a whole line.
  • <S-Tab> to regenerate a new completion.
  • <Del> to dismiss the completion.
  • Continue typing or leaving insert mode will dismiss the rest of the completion.

Note these keymaps only works when the completion is visible. The default behavior when no completion is shown remains still.

[TODO: image here]

If you dislike these keymaps, you may optionally disable them one by one in the setup:

require"genius".setup {
    keymaps = {
        tab = false, -- tab for accept all
        shifttab = false, -- shift+tab for manual trigger and regenerating completion
        delete = false, -- <Del> for dismiss completion
        leftright = false, -- arrow keys for accept/revoke words
        homeend = false, -- <Home> and <End> for lines
        freeend = false, -- <End> at the end of line for manual trigger

If you'd like to use a custom key binding, just map to the :GeniusComplete command. For example:

inoremap <C-Space> <Cmd>GeniusComplete<CR>

Available backends


By default, this plugin use ChatGPT as backend, it reads the $OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable by default if not configured in the setup.

You may change the other completion options in the setup:

require"genius".setup {
    api_type = 'openai',
    config_openai = {
        -- In order to use genius.nvim with GPT backend. You may obtain an API key from OpenAI:
        -- Either set the environment variable OPENAI_API_KEY in .bashrc, or set in the setup options here:
        api_key = os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY"),
        infill_options = {
            max_tokens = 100,  -- maximum number of tokens allowed to generate in a single completion
            model = "gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct",  -- must be instruct model here, no chat models! you may only replace this with code-davinci-002 for example
            temperature = 0.8,  -- temperature varies from 0 to 1, higher means more random (and more funny) results

Deepseek Coder

This plugin can also be customized to use the Deepseek Coder model which can be deployed locally on your machine:

require'genius'.setup {
    default_bot = 'deepseek',
    config_deekseek = {
        api_type = 'llama_cpp',
        base_url = "",  -- 🦙 llama.cpp server address
        infill_options = {
            n_predict = 100, -- number of tokens to generate in a single completion
            temperature = 0.8, -- higher means more random (and more funny) results

Download the Model

To get started with DeepSeek Coder, let's first download the GGUF model file deepseek-coder-6.7b-base.Q4_K_M.gguf:

curl -L "" -o ~/Downloads/deepseek-coder-6.7b-base.Q4_K_M.gguf

Download and Build llama.cpp

Download the llama.cpp repository and build the server target in it:

git clone --depth=1
cd llama.cpp
make LLAMA_CUBLAS=1 LLAMA_FAST=1 -j 8 server

Consider remove the LLAMA_CUBLAS=1 option if you don't have a NVIDIA card, or you don't have enough (~6 GB) memory on your NVIDIA card. So that the model will run completely on CPU.

Start llama.cpp Server

Start the server before you can use this plugin:

./server -t 8 -ngl 64 -c 4096 -m ~/Downloads/deepseek-coder-6.7b-base.Q4_K_M.gguf
  • -t 8 means using 8 CPU threads.
  • -ngl 64 means 64 layers will be offloaded to GPU (the rest on CPU).
  • -c 4096 means the model will be limited to 4096 context length.

💣 CAUTION: -ngl 64 consumes approximately 5 GB of GPU memory. If you don't have too much GPU memory, consider reduce the -ngl parameter. Specify -ngl 0 to run the model completely on CPU.


Using the Mistral backend is roughly the same as DeepSeek Coder, as it can be also served on llama.cpp, just use default_bot = 'mistral' instead.

MiniMax API

TODO: introduce this

Full Setup

Below is the default setup for this plugin:

require'genius'.setup {
    default_bot = 'openai',
    config_openai = {
        api_type = 'openai',
        api_key = os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY"),
        base_url = "",
        chat_options = {
            max_tokens = 1024,
            model = "gpt-3.5-turbo",
            temperature = 0.5,
        infill_marks = {
            completion = "Do code completion based on the following code. No repeat. Indentation must be correct. Be short and relevant.\n\n",
        infill_options = {
            max_tokens = 100,
            model = "gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct",
            temperature = 0.5,
    config_deepseek = {
        api_type = 'llama_cpp',
        base_url = "",
        chat_marks = {
            inst_prefix_bos = "Expert Q&A\nQuestion: ",
            inst_prefix_eos = "<|EOT|>\nQuestion: ",
            inst_suffix = "\nAnswer:",
        chat_options = {
            n_predict = -1,
            stop = { "\nQuestion:" },
            temperature = 0.5,
        escape_list = { { "<|([%l▁]+)|>", "<|%1|>" }, { "<|(%u+)|>", "<|%1|>" } },
        infill_marks = {
            may_no_suffix = false,
            prefix = "<|fim▁begin|>",
            suffix = "<|fim▁hole|>",
            middle = "<|fim▁end|>",
        infill_options = {
            n_predict = 100,
            temperature = 0.5,
    config_mistral = {
        api_type = 'llama_cpp',
        base_url = "",
        chat_marks = {
            inst_prefix_bos = "<s>[INST] ",
            inst_prefix_eos = "</s>[INST] ",
            inst_suffix = " [/INST]",
        chat_options = {
            n_predict = -1,
            temperature = 0.5,
        escape_list = { { "</?[su]n?k?>", string.upper }, { "<0x[0-9A-F][0-9A-F]>", string.upper } },
        infill_marks = {
            completion = "Do code completion based on the following code. No repeat. Indentation must be correct. Be short and relevant.\n\n",
        infill_options = {
            n_predict = 100,
            stop = { "### File:" },
            temperature = 0.5,
    config_minimax = {
        api_type = 'minimax',
        group_id = os.getenv("MINIMAX_GROUP_ID"),
        api_key = os.getenv("MINIMAX_API_KEY"),
        base_url = '',
        chat_marks = {
            instruction = "一个代码助手,帮助用户编写代码,解决编程问题。",
        chat_options = {
            model = "abab6-chat",
            tokens_to_generate = 1024,
            temperature = 0.5,
        infill_marks = {
            may_no_suffix = false,
            instruction = "一个代码补全机器人,针对用户输入的代码,输出补全的结果,不要解释。",
            prefix = '<CURSOR>处应该插入什么内容?',
            suffix = '<CURSOR>',
            middle = '',
        infill_options = {
            model = "abab6-chat",
            tokens_to_generate = 100,
            temperature = 0.5,
    completion_buffers = 1, -- setting to 3 include 2 recently used buffer into the prompt, 1 for only using the current editing buffer
    single_buffer_has_mark = false,
    buffers_sort_mru = true,
    exceeded_buffer_has_mark = true,
    completion_delay_ms = 2000,
    complete_only_on_eol = false,
    trimming_window = 7200,
    trimming_suffix_portion = 0.3,
    buffers_in_cwd_only = true,
    list_cwd_files = false,
    escape_special_tokens = true,
    rid_prefix_space = true,
    rid_prefix_newline = true,
    keymaps = {
        tab = true,
        shifttab = true,
        delete = true,
        leftright = true,
        homeend = true,
        freeend = true,
    filetype_hints = {
        gitcommit = '# Please write a memorizable commit message based on files changed:\n',
    chat_stream = true,
    chat_sep_assistant = '🤖',
    chat_sep_user = '😊',
    report_error = true, -- set this to false for disable error notification.

If you encounter any trouble, let me know in the GitHub issues, thanks for your support!


Blazing fast 🚀 code completion in NeoVim powered by 🤖 GPT-3.5-Turbo







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