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Built on Next.js with Tailwind CSS, hosted by Vercel.

Contact 💌

If you have any feedback or suggestions, feel free to email me at Or if you just want to chat, that's fine too!

Introduction 📌

After hand-coding my last portfolio website with Tailwind CSS and jQuery, I ran into a few issues relating to performance, responsiveness, and build/deploy times. These issues didn't prevent content from loading properly but caused an unacceptable impact on the user experience.

To remedy this, I decided that I would rewrite the site in a framework that would not only enable faster development and load times but also provide greater control over content served to the user. Wanting to try something new, I chose Next.js.

At first, it seemed that there were a few practical drawbacks, such as porting a single page application that wouldn't initially be able to take advantage of page routing. Nevertheless, I appreciated the active community and the opportunity to expand my knowledge of modern frameworks. Simple as it may be at the moment, I've learned a lot so far from reworking my portfolio.

I'm looking forward to updating the site regularly; stay tuned!

Notable features and dependencies 🚀


Loaded with functionality out of the box, developing on Next.js is relatively straightforward. I found that troubleshooting was occasionally difficult where the online documentation was lacking but it was easy to trace errors through the code. Next.js is exceptionally well-built.

  • Component-based design allows the project grids to be rendered dynamically from an external source, which is currently performed locally by mapping project items from lib/projects.js.
  • Images are optimized through the Image component and served from Imgix references to an image directory hosted on the repo.
  • Being able to use the local dev server has cut incremental rebuild and deployment times by nearly an order of magnitude.
  • Third-party React components like react-scroll allow for a more standardized UX than was previously possible through CSS alone and decrease reliance on scripts.

Tailwind CSS

When I first started using Tailwind in the original site, I wasn't convinced that it made my life any easier because the amount of repetition seemed verbose and I often felt I'd be better off with default CSS. However, using it in a React context made me realize that the utility it provides is indispensable. Tailwind makes styles legible at a glance, especially when applying classes with ternary operators or template literals.

Font Awesome

A toolkit we all know and love. Thanks for giving us so many great icons free of charge.


An honorable mention - the usefulness of Prettier isn't obvious in production but customizable formatting makes a big difference in keeping code consistent and legible. Plugins work great when it comes to ordering Tailwind classes, too.

To-do 💭

  • Add blog directory
  • Improve mobile functionality across browsers
  • Add content to "About" section
  • Improve text positioning and responsive styling in project components
  • Rework project components to allow a maximize toggle on click that shows description and links, rework styling

Known issues 🛠️

Future issues will be listed under the issues tab.

  • (Mobile) Overscroll appears to vary across browsers
    • Potential fix: Re-evaluate overscroll styles and gain a better understanding of the DOM
  • (Mobile) Contact item background doesn't appear fixed or animated
    • Potential fix: Change the background from styled with CSS to an element-based approach in contact item component

Future problems will be accounted for in GitHub Issues.


My current portfolio website, powered by Next.js







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