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Email Sign-up Automation

Automation of positive scenarios for email sign-up using Selenium Webdriver and WebdriverIO


  1. Clone or download this repository to your local machine:
  2. Run npm installin your terminal to download all node packages and libraries needed

Running the tests

  1. In your terminal, open two windows of your local repository's root folder.
  2. On one window, run the Selenium standalone server and the gecko driver using the following command: java -jar -Dwebdriver.gecko.driver=./geckodriver selenium-server-standalone-3.6.0.jar
  3. On the other window, run ./node_modules/.bin/wdio wdio.conf.js
  4. An instance of the firefox browser would prompt with the tests being executed.
  5. Check the results in the terminal.


Notice in the test the use of an online disposable email service (temp-mail) to act as receiver of the verification emails from Hooq. This poses a limitation and a possibility of temp-mail server being down, thus the test may fail.

Any downtimes on this service is out of the automation's scope.

A recommendation would be to set-up a local email server similar to (temp-mail) for testing purposes.

Task no. 4 (Adding password as part of signup flow)

The test could be found on the passwordField branch. Given that the actual HTML for email sign-up does not contain any password fields, the selectors used in the test were dummies and were assumed. Therefore, this part of the test is expected to fail when automation is running.

Master branch however, is kept pristine for Task no. 3 (positive test of the email sign-up flow)


alt text


Ara Morales


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