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Backend server Python code for a prototype CO2 sensor for the arctic tundra


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Simple Server for DAO CO2 Observation Units

This is Python code for a backend server for a CO2 sensor, or "Observation Unit", developed at UiT The Arctic University of Norway as part of the Distributed Arctic Observatory project. These Observation Units are described in the paper:

Murphy et al. "Experiences Building and Deploying Wireless Sensor Nodes for the Arctic Tundra," in The 21st IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing (CCGrid 2021). Melbourne Australia, May 2021.

The CO2 Observation Units are based on a FiPy microcontroller. They push data via LTE CAT-M1 to a server in the lab.

This repository includes the server code, plus scripts to import the data into a database and generate plots. The server is a bare-bones HTTP server, written in Python with Flask.

Repositories and Documentation Associated with this Project

  • co2_ou_device repo --- Code and documentation for the observation unit itself

  • co2_ou_server repo --- Code and documentation for the companion server

    • Database Scripts --- Shell scripts that import the text-based CO2 data into a SQLite database for analysis, plus Python scripts to generate plots

Code Layout in this Repository

The server is meant to be as simple as possible. It uses the flask-restful framework inside of the UWSGI container. The main source file is src/

The server accepts data uploads and "alive" pings from the CO2 OUs, which are identified by hardware ID. Uploaded data is kept in the remote_data/ directory, while records of "alive" pings are kept in tab-separated-values files in the var/pings/ directory and also in a table in a SQLite data base var/db.sqlite3.

Scripts in the database/ directory can import CO2 or other data into the database and generate plots from it, as well as simple web pages to display the plots. See the additional database/ file for details.

WARNING: Accepting uploaded data from the internet is often a risky activity, and this server was not developed with security as a top concern. There are probably exploits. It is advised that you run this on a dedicated server/container where damage from intrusion or malicious use can be contained.

  • src/ --- Source code

    • --- Main server file
    • server.ini.example --- Example uwsgi configuration file, to be edited and copied to server.ini
    • --- Utility library for reading and writing sequential log files e.g. readings-0000.tsv, readings-0001.tsv, etc.
  • scripts/ --- Utility scripts

  • remote_data/ --- Directory for data uploaded by the CO2 OUs. Will be created by the server. See the Data Layout document in the device code repository for details of how the observation data is organized.

  • var/ --- Directory for server data. Will be created by the server.

    • pings/ --- Directory of OU ping records in tab-separated-values format
    • pub/ --- Directory of files to serve, such as generated data plots
    • db.sqlite3 --- Database of pings (and optionally other data)
  • database/ --- Directory with scripts to build a database of uploaded CO2 data and generate plots from it. The scripts are controlled via a Makefile in the directory. There is an addition database/ file with more details.

Running the server


The code can be installed anywhere and run from its own directory. However, it does need access to the Python Flask library.

Virtualenv setup

# Create a virtual environment
python3 -m virtualenv --python=python3 .venv

# Activate the virtal environment
source .venv/bin/activate

# Install Python's development libs
# (required by uwsgi, which needs to compile C components)
sudo apt install python3-dev

# Install required packages (flask, flast-restful, uwsgi)
pip install -r requirements.txt

Testing: Run in Flask's development container

# Activate virtual env if you haven't already
source .venv/bin/activate

cd src/
python --port 8080

Testing: Run in uWSGI container

# Activate virtual env if you haven't already
source .venv/bin/activate

cd src/
uwsgi --socket --protocol=http -w server:app

Production: Run in uWSGI container with options in .ini file

# Copy and customize example server.ini
cp src/server.ini.example

# Start server via script

# Script just does the following
# ----------------------------------------
# source .venv/bin/activate
# cd src/
# uwsgi --ini server.ini

Production: Install as systemd service

# Copy and customize example systemd service file
cp co2unit-server.service.example co2unit-server.service

# Copy to systemd directory
sudo cp co2unit-server.service /etc/systemd/system/

# Start service
sudo systemctl start co2unit-server

# Set service to start on boot
sudo systemctl enable co2unit-server

# See status
systemctl status co2unit-server

# Follow log
journalctl -fu co2unit-server.service

# Follow log of just co2unit-related requests
journalctl -fu co2unit-server.service | grep co2unit


Backend server Python code for a prototype CO2 sensor for the arctic tundra








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