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Integrate HubLink using NLog

Daniele Fontani edited this page Apr 2, 2017 · 3 revisions

Include libraries

Download Wlog client libraries and include it in your poject as reference using NuGet.

Install-Package NLog.HubLink.Clients

This will install HubLink libs and their references.

  • HubLink.Clients
  • NLog.HubLink.Clients

Setup NLog configuration

After that you have to change configuration settings as below:

<nlog xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" throwExceptions="true" >
      <add assembly="NLog.Wlog.Clients"/>
      <target xsi:type="BufferingWrapper"
        <target  xsi:type="WebTarget"  destination="http://localhost:55044/api/log"
             layout="${longdate}|${level:uppercase=true}|${logger}|${message}"  />
      <logger name="wlog.loggerWithBuffer" minlevel="Info" writeTo="wlog.loggerWithBuffer"  />      

Note that in this example we use only our target; it is useful to log also in a local file appender to avoid to lost logs in case of network issues.

Param in target:

  • ApplicationKey="{8C075ED0-45A7-495A-8E09-3A98FD6E8248}" : use guid of your application; this is the guid of preconfigured sample application
  • destination="http://localhost:55044/api/log": it's the url of you serve api, change according with your server


Use it as usual. All log sent to HubLink logger will be forwarded to the server. For performance issues best option is to keep debug\trace logs using a local file system appender, but send more important levels (info, error..) to the server. This may vary from application to application basing on how levels are defined and used.

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