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Trip Planner Server

The Trip Planner Server is an API created in Node and Express that utilizes MongoDB to store and retrieve trip data logged by users of the Trip Planner Client Application. It also allows users to register for accounts on the application.


Technologies Used

  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • MongoDB
  • Mongoose

Entity Relationship Diagram


API End Points

Verb URI Pattern Controller#Action
POST /sign-up users#signup
POST /sign-in users#signin
DELETE /sign-out users#signout
PATCH /change-password users#changepw
GET /trips trips#index
POST /trips trips#create
GET /trips/:id trips#show
PATCH /trips/:id trips#update
DELETE /trips/:id trips#destroy
POST /trips/:tripId/events events#create
GET /trips/:tripId/events/:eventId events#show
PATCH /trips/:tripId/events/:eventId events#update
DELETE /trips/:tripId/events/:eventId event#destroy

All data returned from API actions is formatted as JSON.

User Actions


Request Response
Verb URI body Headers Status body
POST `/sign-up` credentials empty 201, Created user
400 Bad Request empty
POST `/sign-in` credentials empty 200 OK user w/token
401 Unauthorized errors
DELETE `/sign-out` empty token 201 Created empty
401 Unauthorized errors
PATCH `/change-password` passwords token 204 No Content user w/token
400 Bad Request empty


The create action expects a POST of credentials identifying a new user to create, e.g.:

  "credentials": {
    "email": "",
    "password": "an example password",
    "password_confirmation": "an example password"

If the request is successful, the response will have an HTTP Status of 201, Created, and the body will be JSON containing the id and email of the new user, e.g.:

  "user": {
    "_id":"an example id",
    "createdAt":"an example date",
    "updatedAt":"an example date",

If the request is unsuccessful, the response will have an HTTP Status of 400 Bad Request, and the response body will be empty.


The signin action expects a POST with credentials identifying a previously registered user, e.g.:

  "credentials": {
    "email": "",
    "password": "an example password"

If the request is successful, the response will have an HTTP Status of 200 OK, and the body will be JSON containing the user's id, email, and the token used to authenticate other requests, e.g.:

    "_id":"an example id",
    "createdAt":"an example date",
    "updatedAt":"an example date",

If the request is unsuccessful, the response will have an HTTP Status of 401 Unauthorized, and the response body will include the error.


The signout action expects a DELETE request and must include the user's token but no data is necessary to be sent.

If the request is successful the response will have an HTTP status of 204 No Content.

If the request is unsuccessful, the response will have a status of 401 Unauthorized.


The changepw action expects a PATCH of passwords specifying the old and new, eg.:

  "passwords": {
    "old": "example password",
    "new": "new example password"

If the request is successful the response will have an HTTP status of 204 No Content.

If the request is unsuccessful the reponse will have an HTTP status of 400 Bad Request.

The sign-out and change-password requests must include a valid HTTP header Authorization: Token token=<token> or they will be rejected with a status of 401 Unauthorized.

Trip Actions

All trip action requests must include a valid HTTP header Authorization: Token token=<token> or they will be rejected with a status of 401 Unauthorized.

All of the trip actions follow the RESTful style.

Trips are owned by users. Actions will only retrieve a trip if the user associated with the Authorization header matches the owner's token, which is generated on sign in and deleted on sign out. If this requirement is unmet, the response will be 401 Unauthorized.


Request Response
Verb URI body Status body
GET `/trips` n/a 200, OK trips found
200, OK empty trips
The default is to retrieve all trips associated with the user.. 401 Unauthorized errors
POST `/trips` trip 201, Created trip created
401 Unauthorized errors
400 Bad Request errors
GET `/trips/:id` n/a 200, OK trip found
401 Unauthorized errors
404 Not Found empty
PATCH `/trips/:id` trip delta 204, No Content empty
400 Bad Request errors
404 Not Found empty
DELETE `/trips/:id` n/a 204, No Content empty
400 Bad Request errors
404 Not Found errors


The index action is a GET that retrieves all the trips associated with a user. The response body will contain JSON containing an array of trips, e.g:

  "trips": [
      "_id": "an example trip id",
      "title": "My First Trip",
      "category": "Beach",
      "status": "Past Trip",
      "destination": "Atlanta",
      "date": "2020-05-06",
      "duration": 2,
      "budget": 300,
      "owner": {
        "_id": "an example owner id",
        "email": "example@email",
        "createdAt": "2020-07-02T22:26:12.759Z",
        "updatedAt": "2020-07-06T03:11:23.503Z",
        "__v": 0,
        "token": "an example authentication token"
      "events": [],
      "createdAt": "2020-07-06T03:10:25.381Z",
      "updatedAt": "2020-07-06T03:10:25.381Z",
      "__v": 0
      "_id": "an example trip id",
      "title": "My Second Trip",
      "category": "Roadtrip",
      "status": "Planned Trip",
      "destination": "Chicago",
      "date": "2020-10-21",
      "duration": 4,
      "budget": 600,
      "owner": {
        "_id": "an example owner id",
        "email": "example@email",
        "createdAt": "2020-07-02T22:26:12.759Z",
        "updatedAt": "2020-07-06T03:11:23.503Z",
        "__v": 0,
        "token": "an example authentication token"
      "events": [],
      "createdAt": "2020-07-06T03:10:52.876Z",
      "updatedAt": "2020-07-06T03:10:52.876Z",
      "__v": 0

If the request is unsuccessful, the response will have an HTTP Status of 400 Bad Request, and the response body will be JSON describing the errors.


The create action expects a POST with a body containing trip details in JSON format. If the request is successful, the response will have an HTTP Status of 201 Created, and the body will contain JSON of the created trip with owner set to the user calling create, e.g.:

  "trip": {
    "_id": "an example trip id",
    "title": "My First Vacation",
    "destination": "Hawaii",
    "duration": 2,
    "date": "2020/10/10",
    "budget": 500,
    "category": "Beach",
    "status": "Planned",
    "owner": "an example owner id",
    "events": [],
    "createdAt": "2020-07-06T03:18:44.774Z",
    "updatedAt": "2020-07-06T03:18:44.774Z",
    "__v": 0


The show action is a GET specifying the id of the trip to retrieve. If the request is successful, the status will be 200, OK, and the response body will contain JSON for the trip requested, e.g.:

  "trip": {
    "_id": "an example trip id",
    "title": "My First Vacation",
    "destination": "Hawaii",
    "duration": 2,
    "date": "2020/10/10",
    "budget": 500,
    "category": "Beach",
    "status": "Planned",
    "owner": "an example owner id",
    "events": [],
    "createdAt": "2020-07-06T03:18:44.774Z",
    "updatedAt": "2020-07-06T03:18:44.774Z",
    "__v": 0


update a trip's state

This update expects a PATCH request with changes to an existing trip, formatted as such:

  "trip": {
    "title": "My First Vacation",
    "destination": "Hawaii",
    "duration": 2,
    "date": "2020/10/10",
    "budget": 500,
    "category": "Beach",
    "status": "Planned"

If the request is successful, the response will have an HTTP Status of 204, No Content, and the body will be empty.

If the request is unsuccessful, the response will have an HTTP Status of 400 Bad Request, and the body will be JSON describing the errors.


The destroy action is a DELETE specifying the id of the trip to delete. If the request is successful the status will be 204, No Content, and the body will be empty.

Event Actions

All event action requests must include a valid HTTP header Authorization: Token token=<token> or they will be rejected with a status of 401 Unauthorized.

All of the event actions follow the RESTful style.


Request Response
Verb URI body Status body
POST `/trips/:tripId/events` event 204, No Content empty
401 Unauthorized errors
400 Bad Request errors
GET `/trips/:tripId/events/:eventId` n/a 200, OK event found
401 Unauthorized errors
404 Not Found empty
PATCH `/trips/:tripId/events/:eventId` event delta 204, No Content empty
400 Bad Request errors
404 Not Found empty
DELETE `/trips/:id` n/a 204, No Content empty
400 Bad Request errors
404 Not Found errors


The create action expects a POST with a body containing event details in JSON format. If the request is successful, the response will have an HTTP Status of 204 Created, and the body will be empty.


The show action expects a GET specifying both the ID of the event to retrieve and the ID of the trip to which it belongs. If the request is successful, the response will have an HTTP Status of 200 OK, and the response body will contain JSON for the event retrieved, e.g:

  "event": {
    "_id": "an example event id",
    "title": "Some Title",
    "body": "Some Description",
    "createdAt": "2020-07-06T03:48:28.695Z",
    "updatedAt": "2020-07-06T03:48:28.695Z"


This update expects a PATCH request with a body containing changes to an existing event, formatted as such:

	"event": {
		"title": "New Event Title",
		"body": "New Event Description"

If the request is successful, the response will have an HTTP Status of 204, No Content, and the body will be empty.

If the request is unsuccessful, the response will have an HTTP Status of 400 Bad Request, and the body will be JSON describing the errors.


The destroy action is a DELETE specifying the id of the event to delete and the id of the trip to which it belongs. If the request is successful the status will be 204, No Content, and the body will be empty.


Back-end server for the Trip Planner application.






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