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01. Clone source codes

Aregtech edited this page Aug 23, 2023 · 9 revisions

Table of contents

  1. General information
  2. Clone sources
  3. Content

General information

AREG SDK consists of framework, examples and third-party source codes, as well as tools, which may contain separate binaries.

Clone sources

To clone all sources and modules, open the Terminal in the projects directory and run:

# Get sources from GitHub including submodules
git clone --recurse-submodules
cd areg-sdk

If you already have AREG SDK source and need to update the submodules or pull latest submodule sources, open Terminal to run:

cd areg-sdk
# If you cloned AREG SDK and need to load submodules
git submodule update --init
# If you need to pull all changes of submodules
git submodule update --remote



The framework folder consists of:

  1. AREG engine required to create complex multitasking Desktop, Embedded and IoT edge applications.
  2. Multicast router runs as console or OS-managed service to form the network and route messages.
  3. Optional areg-extend is a static library with additional optional extended features that may require additional dependencies.


The thirdparty folder contains additional dependent sources as submodules. The third-party modules are:

  1. googletest, which is required to create Unit Tests.


The examples folder contains multiple simple and complex examples to demonstrate the multitasking characteristics of AREG engine.


The tests folder contain multiple tests, like

  1. Unit tests to check the interface of objects.


The tools folder contains helper applications to be used by developers. It contains:

  1. Code generator, which generate C++ source codes out of the XML structured interface definition document.