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Starting point for Rails APIs using Grape, with goodies included

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Rails Grape Jumpstart

A basic starting point for Grape APIs running on Rails.


1. Clone the boilerplate

git clone --depth=1 myproject
cd myproject

git commit --amend -m "initial boilerplate commit"
git remote remove origin

2. Change application configs

TODO comments have been placed where changes need to be made

rake notes

3. Setup local environment

rake setup


Goodies included besides setting up the inital Grape mounting

Request ID Middleware

Includes an X-Request-ID header to each response

Logging Middleware

Includes custom middleware to log every request in the following format

[EjBHdKe1BK4XW7Hg] Started GET '/api/example'
[EjBHdKe1BK4XW7Hg] Processing by API::Example/example
[EjBHdKe1BK4XW7Hg]   Parameters: {}
[EjBHdKe1BK4XW7Hg] Completed 200 in 3.21ms

EjBHdKe1BK4XW7Hg is the id of the request

Error Handling

Normally, whenever your api has an uncaught error, Rails will take over and serve up a 500 with the standard template it uses based on the environment. This can be problematic because it provides clients expecting JSON no indication of what the error might be and it also, depending on your setup, could not be included in the Grape CORS policy. This can cause clients to give unhelpful error messages for the request.

The standard response the middleware will return for any uncaught exception is as follows

  "message": "Something bad has happened",
  "source": "/path/to/file:100"

This format is entirely confiugrable in app/api/base.rb.

404 Handling

Handles 404 as well, instead of letting Rails take over with a RoutingError. This also avoids some of the problems described above. This can be configured in app/api/base.rb

API Reloading

Automatically reloads changes to Grape API files in development. Thanks to the Grape README.

Swagger API Documentation

Comes bundled with Swagger for API documentation through the help of grape-swagger and grape-swagger-rails. You can configure the documentation title and options in config/initializers/swagger.rb

Route Printing

Run rake grape:routes to print all routes for the application, similar to rake routes in plain Rails

CORS Configuration

Adds CORS configuration on /api/ in config/initializers/cors.rb using Rack::CORS. The default is any origin, any method.

API Error Helpers

Gives aliases to Grape's error! method, for readability. For example, compare writing this

error!({ code: '404.12', message: 'User was not found' }, 404)

to writing something a little more quickly understandable

not_found! message: 'User was not found', code: '404.12'

Automatic Model Annotation

Makes use of the annotate gem to give helpful schema annotation comments above your Rails models automatically, whenever rake db:migrate is run

# == Schema Information
# Table name: messages
#  id            :integer          not null, primary key
#  user_id       :integer
#  feed_id       :integer
#  feed_sequence :integer
#  message_type  :integer
#  payload       :string
#  options       :hstore
#  sent_at       :datetime
# Indexes
#  index_messages_on_feed_id  (feed_id)
#  index_messages_on_user_id  (user_id)

Enumeration Support

An autoloaded directory app/enums has been included to support enums, specifically EnumerateIt enums: the best gem I have found for Ruby/Rails enums.

I find that enumerations and Grape APIs work very well together, especially for validation and entities.

desc 'An enum validation example'
params do
  optional :foo_type, type: Integer, values: Enums::FooType.list

Global Configuration

I find the global gem helpful for storing environment specific application configurations


Plenty of helpers in app/api/support


Starting point for Rails APIs using Grape, with goodies included






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