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Arend van Beelen jr edited this page Aug 16, 2021 · 9 revisions


Disclaimer: This engine was originally written in C++ and JavaScript and is in the process of being rewritten in Rust (yada-yada). Not all of the following features may be functional in the Rust port yet.

  • Support for both telnet (including ANSI colors, MCCP, MSDP and MSSP extensions) and HTML5 (WebSockets)
  • Command-line OLC
  • Graphical HTML5 map editor, with perspective view for designing 3D areas
  • Game events propagate through rooms
    • Hear sounds and see visuals as they happen in nearby rooms
    • Sounds and visuals lose strength and become increasingly blurry over distance
    • Semi-realistic line-of-sight algorithm
  • Dynamic room descriptions
    • Reflects positions and directions for items, exits and characters
    • Complements, not replaces, hand-written descriptions
  • Logging of sessions (including IPs) and player commands
  • Statistics tracking and visualization in the map editor
  • Basic MUD commands
    • Movement and orientation (go, look, enter, examine, open, close)
    • Conversations (say, shout, talk, tell, gtalk)
    • Buying and handling items (buy, give, drop, get)
    • Container items (put ... into, get ... from)
    • Player groups (follow, lose, disband, gtalk)
    • Basic combat (kill, attack, wield, remove)
  • Designed for minimal latency
    • Multi-threaded design
    • All game objects are in memory
    • Changes are synced to disk in separate thread

Further Reading

Take a look at some screenshots or read how to create your own game.

Read how to run your own server.

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